Nato is an even closer partnership with Ukraine. As the Alliance announced on Friday, will be recorded in the conflict with Russia in that country in the so-called “Enhanced Opportunities Program” (EOP). Thus, Ukraine will have enhanced opportunities for participation in Nato exercises and cooperation projects, as well as access to selected confidential Alliance information. So far, Australia, Finland, Georgia, Jordan and Sweden, participants in the program are.

In the Ukraine the message that triggered the joy. President Volodymyr Selenskyj wrote in the short message service Twitter, the Nato have also recognised the achievements of Ukrainian soldiers in peacekeeping missions in the world. Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Ukraine will receive the Status you’ve earned in a long time.

diplomat stressed that the new Status does not constitute a further step in the direction of Nato membership. The Ukraine is for years a Partner of Nato, provides forces for the Alliance missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Also, participation in selected maneuvers are there for a long time.