“the Gorilla, a Negro kidnapping called” Emmanuel Frémiet (1824-1910) and his bronze statue, which he submitted for exhibition in the Paris Salon. The Jury was shocked. In the same year, the naturalist Charles Darwin had heated with his theory of evolution, the minds. The judges were at the time Political Correctness and exiles the Gorilla behind a curtain. The “educational measure” was successful. Frémiet created once a monkey, gave him but a white woman for Breakfast, and called the work “a Gorilla, a woman’s kidnapping”. He received prompt the medal of honor.

Frémiets bronze monkey inspired many authors. No one Less than Edgar Wallace wrote a screenplay with the working title “The beast”. He died before the Happy ending. Has only survived in the legend that he created the first Film-Monster.

Monster there is no expiry date

The Original was created in 1933, “King Kong and the white woman”, at that time, up to now, the most successful cinema release. Because producers to minimize risk, like to put on sequels and Remakes, there are monsters, there is no expiration date. But Competitors. They are a little smaller, invisible and nest as stowaways in the organism of millions of people. Such horror scenarios are popular, therefore, the old pandemic movies of storms again today the Top Ten of the streaming services.

In “Outbreak”(1995) was the Virus of monkeys and was not developed in Wuhan, but in an American lab. Also in Danny Boyle’s “28 Days Later” (2002) there was a monkey Virus to humans, and infected him with “rage”.

at the end of the year, King Kong against Godzilla

In the last few months, it didn’t need the infection to turn people into enraged citizens. A worried about Salary cuts or job loss, others had learned in their youth never to accept limitations, and called the quarantine “isolation”, while you watched with a bag of Popcorn “Godzilla II”.

the end of the year is to take on King Kong against Godzilla. If the two commit half a billion dollars, you will be retired, at an early stage. As the successor to the dinosaurs and the Covid-20 is recommended.

Claude Cueni (64) is a writer and lives in Basel. He writes every second Friday of the VIEWS. 20. July, Verlag Nagel & Kimche, his novel “Genesis of a pandemic from the ice”.