Donald Trump dressed his threat in a rogue praise: The failed presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, have tabled an amendment, military bases rename, in which American soldiers, who had won two world wars, formed had been. “Hopefully, our great Republican senators not to fall for it.” Superficially, it goes to the question of whether the armed forces need to change your reminder policy dealing with the soldiers of the Confederacy, in the light of the protests against racism. Actually, however, the idea is to have the President in the barriers.

Majid Sattar

Political correspondent for North America, based in Washington.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Trump had put in front of the warning to the Republicans is already clear, for him, a renaming was out of the question. He rejects that there is a systemic racism in the country. A renaming a few months before the presidential election a concession would be to the Democrats. For some of the moderate Republicans, the step would be, however, a conciliatory gesture in interesting times – and a sign that Trump could not need the armed forces for his purposes.

a majority of the Committee for renaming of army barracks

And so the defence Committee of the Senate did in fact agree that the Pentagon should eliminate in the next three years, names, statues and other symbols of the southern States. The application Warrens is just a paragraph in a budget law for the defence budget, and a vote in the plenary is still pending. But some Republican senators did not object to the concern, can be described as a small riot. So about Roy Blunt, a Republican from Missouri, said he had no problems at all with a renaming, after all it had been since the civil war, many outstanding soldiers, as a name-giver wasn’t good. The Expression is remarkable, because Missouri Trump-Land – and Blunt is a close Confidant of majority leader Mitch McConnell.