reports on measurements of bacteria and viruses on Smartphones make it go round and round. 100 types of bacteria around, frolicking, according to the German TÜV on mobile phone displays. A study by the University of Arizona has found, according to “Time” on Smartphones are ten times more bacteria than most toilet seats.

This is not only unappetizing, but in today’s time is totally absurd. Hands are constantly being sanitized and washed, the cell phone remains a bacteria slingshot. Also, because only every fourth user cleans their device on a regular basis.

two years Ago, had discussed Nicole Steiner (39) and her Partner about this topic. And also the fact that a regular cleaning is not so easy. Because you need either a stationary cleaning, for example with UV-light. Or Roller, rags, or Sprays, which you are not always there.

Nicole Steiner founded a Start-up with the aim of developing a phone case, which makes the plaster work, so to speak, automatically. And since a few weeks Exxy is now on the market and can be purchased on the website of the Zurich-based Start-ups for close to 65 francs.

functional textiles with silver in medicine

VIEWS used has a case to Try out. She acts in the case at first glance like a normal, soft cloth. On it the outside of a felt-like fabric in grey with the Exxy Logo. “For the first production, we have chosen a unit size, which is for the best-selling mobile phones suitable. The focus was on the material quality, on the Design,” says Steiner. In the future, various sizes and optics, are naturally conceivable.

The peculiarity of Exxy’s Inside. The soft fabric there looks like with silver threads woven. In fact, it is a fabric that is treated with silver. “We don’t put but at the nano-silver, but to ionize the material with silver,” stresses the founder. Nano materials are also in the industry controversial, because not all of the physical and biological effects are known.

The antibacterial effectiveness of silver has been known for a long time, and products with silver ions are used in medicine – in associations, or in the case of curtains in hospitals. For the implementation in a mobile phone case it needed more development.

Corona helps the Start-up at the launch

Exxy has received a number of certificates from an independent test Institute. But these are not published, to prevent stealing ideas. “The function and mode of action of Exxy is supported also by experts of Empa,” says Nicole Steiner.

my Own Tests have shown that after five minutes in the case the number of bacteria significantly be reduced. The longer you have the phone in the case, the better the effect of the silver material.

the product happens to be in the Corona-crisis market-ready, helps, of course, the Swiss Start-up. “We already had in the first few days, without any advertising four-digit revenues”, says Steiner. On the basis of the requests and responses, you realize that the people are aware of the hygiene issue more aware than in the past. “I also believe that this will not disappear again.”

Just for the biggest models of the current Generation of smartphones, such as iPhone 11 Pro Max or Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, is measure the current Exxy-shell is still a bit short, as well as the LOOK Test. But that should change in a successful business, as well as the sales. So far, the case is not only directly at the Start-up is available, in the future, the trade should be supplied.