This year, Microsoft developers conference took place, although only virtually, the announced News but still having it in. Because the US group has revealed more Details about the new “Fluid Framework”, the last year has been announced.

“Fluid Framework” is actually not a single program or a collection of Apps, but a whole modular System. And Open-Source. Say: The program code is disclosed, and each can contribute their own modules for the new Microsoft. This is quite reasonable, because in the future we will create very different texts, tables, presentations, and so on than in the past.

approach to The traditional, like Microsoft Office or Teams, but also about the competing product to Google Docs, it disappears. You create a Text, spreadsheet, or presentation and share them with others. Microsoft removes itself from the idea of individual documents, which are stored in a bin.

documents a thing of the past

create soon, Instead, the “Fluid Framework” consists of a collection of Apps, as Microsoft have shown the tech portal “The Verge” in a detailed Demonstration.

let’s assume you created a small table with a pie chart. Yet you went into Excel and divided the document or copied the result in a presentation or an email. New you can create something anywhere directly. So, for example, in a Mail, a presentation or a text document. It is a building block to share and can copy is created. He is everywhere changeable – if you want to. And it is updated everywhere automatically.

thanks to the principle of Open Source and third-party should be able to contribute easily in such blocks. So you can also work in a Chat or a video application to each of the elements directly. Of course, this is also interesting for companies, which have their own applications into the “Fluid Framework” to integrate.

100 people at the same time on the same Element

The goal for Microsoft is that the speed increases. In the new module system is also a hundred people should be able to at the same time on the same document in real time all the Changes to see.

Already this year, the first elements of the Fluid in the first Microsoft should be integrated-programs – first in the Online Apps, Word up Teams. The goal is by next year all of the Microsoft offshoots are part of the “Fluid Framework”. So that you can use Desktop programs like Outlook or Word, the new modules.

Up to handling such a futuristic-as in the Microsoft promotional video with the modules, it will take but a little. The step-by-step introduction of course makes sense, since companies are not able to switch customers to their infrastructure and internal processes from one day to the other and want.

of course, It takes time to the Open Source Community has learned that Microsoft is now actually is this way. The company has solved since some years, more and more of the strict foreclosure and the idea that you can improve with a large Community behind the product faster and more efficiently.