30 Min./ the baking time: 30 Min. / difficulty: Easily / calories , p. P: about 420 kcal.

For 4 Personen4Grosse Zucchetti250 gFeta1Knoblauchzehe1 BundBasilikum100 gWalnüsse1 BundSchnittlauch200 gChampignons250 mlPassierte tomatoes, some tomatoes, wash some olive oil, some fresh herbs (Oregano, thyme, marjoram)1EiEtwasSalz and pepper preparation courgettes, cut off the Ends with a planer in width of the strip plane.Chives presses in small pieces and the clove of garlic.Clean the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.A little Oil in the frying pan, add chives and garlic to a Golden brown.The mushrooms and add the vegetables for about 5-10 minutes until translucent.Walnuts and washed Basil leaves and chop.Feta cheese crumbles, mushrooms, Basil and walnuts are mixed.Add an Egg and mix well until a uniform mass is obtained.Season with salt and pepper.The tomato heat in a saucepan with a little Oil and salt.Season with pepper and herbs to taste to taste.Some of the tomato sauce in a medium-sized baking dish.The Zucchini slices with olive oil, sprinkle in the middle with the cheese mixture filling and roll up.The rolls in the baking dish vertically.The rest of the tomato sauce on top.Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices and each of the rolls of a pulley.With a bit of olive oil brush.In the oven at 180° for about 30 Min recirculation. bake.When Serving with the Parmesan cheese and fresh herbs sprinkle.