At FC Aarau, run the contracts of the Stars Markus Neumayr (34) and Marco Schneuwly (35) at the end of June. As due to the Corona under the break, the season lasts a month longer, would have to be extended to the player contracts.

To VIEW information of the Challenge presented by League the Topskorern an offer for a contract extension, you write, you would have to accept, however the wage decline of around 25 percent.

“to Have made a fair offer”

Neither the players nor head of sports, Sandro Burki want to deny the Numbers or confirm. Burki: “We want to finish with the current squad for the season and have the players with expiring contracts, a fair offer is made.”

As with all other clubs also Aarau has to save due to the lock downs and the spirit of play. The Budget for the new season is not yet made. Whether financially it is for Schneuwly, or Neumayr, which belong to the top earners during the Challenge-leaguers, at least, is still unclear. About a contract extension this month has not yet been spoken. And there lies the Problem. The risk of injury increases with a number of English weeks. Moreover, in the case of a violation, only the reduced salary is insured. Neumayr says: “there’s No question that The risk is on the side of the player.”

“Shall I lay me on the Sofa?”

A player who would be up for the new season already with another club agree, it would take this risk hardly. Schneuwly and Neumayr have (yet) no other club. Schneuwly, does not think at 35 to the end of career, has not yet signed. “I’m going to share with my Advisor and then with Sandro sitting together …”

And also Neumayr has not yet been decided. His tendency: He writes under. Because the Alternative is not to his liking. Neumayr: “Now I’ve been to the Lockdown of the whole preparation. Shall I put me now, when finally played, at home on the Sofa?”

What if the best Skorer (6 goals) do not accept the offer, however, and the begging of the end of June hinsch Meissen? After all, you can’t be relegated this season, because the lower leagues have been cancelled.

by the Way: Also the treaties of Affolter (29), Leo (25) and Mehidic (28) run at 30. June from. Affolter has not renewed, Leo and Mehidic yet.