The bill appeared in the Romans seem plausible: Ten million Euro, as city Treasurer Uwe Becker (CDU) confirmed, Frankfurt invest together with the Land and the trade-fair company in the next three years, in the Fashion Week. But the amount will be worthwhile eventually it. Because the fashion show will bring 200 million euros of economic power in the Region. With the use of a twenty-fold profit – that would indeed be remarkable. If it works for. But where does the figure of 200 million Euro comes from? “From Berlin,” reads from Beckers office. The Figures of Fashion Week, the one modified for Frankfurt and it did. As this modification was, was not to learn.

Falk Heunemann

business editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

are listening to When it comes to the economic importance of the Fashion Week, in fact, always two Numbers: 120 million euros and 240 million euros. The organizer of the trade fair spread: “The fashion week is an economic additional service (Hotels, catering, retail, taxi companies, service providers, et cetera) of up to 120 million euros per season.” Because the Fashion Week takes place in Berlin twice a year, some multiplied this amount by two.

“I would not double” on the other hand says Claus Pretzell. The economist of the investment Bank of Berlin has set the number of 120 million in the world. With his colleague Hartmut Mertens, he had tried, on behalf of the development Bank of the land Berlin to quantify the fashion in Berlin as an economic factor. Appeared the study, however, nine years ago. Since then, the number has been used by both the fair organizers as well as politicians.

expenditure of 245 Euro am Tag

“The number can not be transferred but just to other cities,” warns Pretzell. The computational model, containing more than a series of 80 different factors and time, applied only to the economic structure of Berlin. Pretzell and Mertens were, for example, of the approximately 240,000 overnight Stays by visitors, going for several days to the Berlin Fashion Week, as well as 85.000 Daily visitors. The visitors you calculated with expenditure of 245 Euro on the day, and that it was likely that they stayed overnight, the majority of Four – and Five-star Hotels. If you multiply the visitors with the number of Nights spent and expenditure, according to Pretzells study, a total of 64.5 million, half of which are commercial for the guest, the Rest for retail and services.

Like 120 million euros to become of it? The follows explains Pretzell, if you in addition, the “ripple effects” forecast, which he rated with the factor of 1.8. Because if an event takes place regularly, would be Hotels and Restaurants and in additional buildings or staff. Multiplying this factor with 64.5 million, one arrives at the above-mentioned 120Millionen.

However, this amount arises only after a number of years, says the economist. And, it applies only if the fair is held semi-annually. “If it is only once in a year, the effect is significantly lower.” To double the amount on 240Millionen Euro has to be shown why they are the leader.