It won’t take long: Only a week, and then summer vacation, at least in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Federal state, which makes this year the beginning. Gradually, the other countries will follow: In Bavaria it is always last, it takes another five weeks for the summer holidays extend until September. But no matter when the families finally holidays can make: you’ve Earned it all, after the many long weeks, in which we were able to our friends and Relatives only to a limited extent see, and sat for that home to each other, in which the Worry and uncertainty were large and only the patience has been getting smaller and smaller.

Fridtjof Küchemann

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z. Twitter

But, as you can look actually, the summer vacation this year, if even in each state, and sometimes even in each municipality has different rules that apply? To mention other countries in Europe, and, a fortiori, of which a little more! And that’s not enough, Not even on these rules you can rely on, you can at any time be altered, loosened or tightened, while we are preparing a trip or even while we are on vacation. Clearly you are not even: In Berlin, for example, cinemas are not re-opened, the Theater but still. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania leisure parks are still closed, and camping sites, but again in operation. This makes it all the holiday hungry and the journey is not fun, just easy. But it is not an easy Situation to earn for anyone: Not for all, which, according to the predicament with school and work home to finally take a breath, not for the people in the tourist areas, which offers holiday guests and depend on tourist money, not for the politicians to decide what freedoms you can stand with the people again, without endangering their health, all our health and medical care.