stews have many wonderful properties. You are down-to-earth, but not boring. You are all welcome, pragmatic, flexible, and tolerant, because every ingredient, no matter how crooked or wrinkled, can come. Stews are timeless, but each time has its own. According to Alison novel viral A-pot-Hit — “The Stew” — is the world now, fortunately, ready for “Gumbo”, Louisiana hearty national dish, and a hybrid classic in the Canon of southern cuisine. In his native New Orleans of 1802, for the first time mentioned the stew has evolved in the Cajun cuisine of the early French settlers in the same way as in the Creole cooking tradition.

With a Gumbo succeed on the stove, what one fails in the United States, but also in other Parts of the world, so far: in a peaceful intertwining of different cultures and ethnicities to Rise. Culinary the Stew is in fact a conciliatory melting pot of African, French, Spanish, Caribbean, native american and German influences.

In a Gumbo usually include several varieties of meat and (to taste) sea animals. To Louisiana’s “Holy Trinity” of onions, peppers and celery; as well as the starchy Okra-Pod, which gives the stew its schlotzige consistency and your name. Okra, also ki ngombo or quingombo, came with the slave ships from West Africa. German settlers brought with them, in turn, they say, the technique of sausage-making to Louisiana during the French say of himself, in everything that is tasty and reasonably soup, to have a few scoops of their famous Bouillabaisse there.

Over the years, mixing an intense, but harmonious taste of the world to each other, so that in a single pot of Gumbo in the meantime, more idealism than many Americans experience in their entire life. The Stew soothes therefore grummelnde bellies and minds with its savory taste, and gives at the same time enough energy to change the world. Gumbo is the ideal basis before non-violent demonstrations.

Maybe he is, therefore, outside of Louisiana well. Today, a Gumbo encountered in many places in the United States, for example, in Edouardo Jordan’s Restaurant “Junebaby” in Seattle, where the chef and restaurateur to other southern classics missed in a Casual-Fine-Dining-painting. With his “Junebaby” won the Jordan to 2018, by the way, as the first African-Americans in the category of best new Restaurant by the prestigious James Beard Award, the Oscars of the Foodie world. It doesn’t take much culinary intelligence to recognize that in the white, also male-dominated gastronomy of structural racism on the daily menu.

In the “Junebaby” is Gumbo, anyway, in a variant with pork knuckle, oxtail and Bacon on the map, there was the court, but also as a Surf & Turf version. Those who grew up with the idea that fish and meat do not fit together in a pot, the way chews on his prejudices better. Purely what fits, popular, as long as no taste and takes on the absolute supremacy. Therefore, it was explained, in particular, the basic recipe.