Popular destinations to collect entrance money, so we know it for years. A day in Europa-Park Rust will cost 50 Euro per person, an evening at La Scala, Milan, the locker 150. Public art museums are often free, at least in the UK. You seem to have needed. What are we to think now tourists from Japan? After all, there was adopted a new law: There must pay, who wants to leave the Islands. 7.60 euros are due, both for tourists as well as Japanese. This is in international travel, the detection circles for “We know that we are boring, but just a little bit”?

Patrick Bernau

editor responsible for the economy and the “money & More” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

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In Japan, a tourist has a lot to hot springs, high mountains and historical temples. Even environmentalists could agree on the flight with your Conscience, after all, you can visit in Japan, how the energy transition can also work with a lot of hydrogen and new technology, and the resulting sunk at the end of the carbon dioxide in the soil. Germany forms a lot to its excellent engineers and technicians, at the same time large groups of the German of the technique are still not always particularly friendly – this would be a Chance to rethink this attitude.

How does Facebook just?

In America, since they understand modern technology. Computers, the Internet, and so on. America is the new territory. So we think in Germany at least, often. Then we take in the evening, the Smartphone, to watch the live stream of the interrogation of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the Senate and listen to the Republican Orrin Hatch, after the price of admission to the new territory of questions: “Mr. Zuckerberg, as you don’t keep a business model alive, if users pay for your services?” Or we listen to Brian treasure, asks, what happens if you sent in Whatsapp an E-Mail. Whatsapp delivers no E-Mails, and that Facebook is financed by Ads, that this is one of the most important reasons for privacy concerns: not So much has in the meantime also noticed the majority of the German Bundestag, even if they have in their Home constituencies in the Old country everywhere, quick Internet.

If Orrin Hatch is better connected? He is a native of Utah, and in America, the lines are everywhere first-class. Hatch to self, don’t by the way to the next election. Some of his party colleagues do the same. It is not always clear whether it is the politicians really just about the age or whether you have too much fear for their re-election, because they have to fear that Donald Trump is driving the voters into the arms of the Democrats. If this is the way a couple of extra deputies come to Parliament who know the new territory well, and are a judicious regulation of the Internet in the location, then Donald Trump would have the effect, in a very indirect way, is actually something Good.

Also, Tesla has its problems

It is only the old East coast, which has such problems with the technology, as it was called. To the modern West coast is almost completely spatially in uncharted territory, as everything is completely different! Yes, there is Tesla-founder Elon Musk in his factory, sleeps so he tweeted anyway to get the production of his “Model 3” and after many months finally properly up and Running. And while he’s thinking because so about the lack of production, seems to him to be thought of as human, because a model is missing …! Already includes Tesla from supply contracts for the production of its SUV in the next year. But let’s be honest: Whether it’s a production is not running, or if there’s another one coming – the sales don’t care at all, or?

we are back at the cars. The now former VW boss Matthias Müller had to in any case pay any money to leave Volkswagen. Instead, he is likely to hear about 20 million euros. You can also think again about who has a Say in the VW group, is now exactly the. This is evident in the career of the new personnel management Board Gunnar Kilian, who has worked as General Secretary of the works Council on the employees ‘ side and on the capital side, as the office Manager of the former VW Patriarch Ferdinand Piëch. So a career you don’t do well-in fact, only in the VW group, where the Power really lies in the Management. But in the case of the trade unions, the family and politics. Exactly they were there, the Miller’s have said this money.