Of the German machine builders was listening to in the last few weeks especially Sobering to – last-a decline in order intake in April by more than 30 percent compared to the previous year. Also, some surveys among member companies of the industry Association VDMA, was frustrating. Seen in this way, it is a message against the Trend, that the Association now reports, the Chinese market for the industry is “on the way to normality”.

Uwe Marx

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The Confident of a further survey among member companies of the VDMA, the locations in China; 900 total, nearly 140 participated in the survey. They gave especially a significantly more positive evaluation of the Corona to follow the Protocol: Currently, only 22 percent of the companies view the impact of the pandemic as a major – in the polls earlier in April and March there were almost 50 and almost 60 per cent.

About a quarter of the company is widely believed that the impact will be minimal; this value, in turn, was previously much lower, even single-digit down. So it is no wonder that in China, the starting point of the pandemic, but also the first large loose – again, better deals are to be expected. About a third of the German machine Builder, there is even assumed that the own growth targets for the year 2020 are yet to reach. Hope all the extensive state Stimulus in China and the unexpectedly quick recovery of the internal market.

Significantly less interruption in the chain

relaxation indicated, the companies surveyed also in terms of the arg-stretched supply chains; here the interruptions were decreased significantly and the expectations are generally positive. A major Problem with the ban on entry applies. Since weeks, no Travel to China is possible, for 80 percent of the company’s significant impact.

Foreign specialists to be on site is essential. However, because a growing number of customers holding on to their investment projects, this is hardly cancel and, if necessary, to postpone, said Claudia Barkowsky, managing Director of the VDMA in China: “a strong recovery in the first half of 2021 hope.”