The Mainz-based Biotech company Biontech receives for the development of a Corona-vaccination help from Europe. The European investment Bank (EIB) granted to the the Nasdaq-listed company a loan of up to EUR 100 million for the development and expansion of production for the vaccine program BNT 162, such as the Institute and the Mainz-based Biotech company, said on Thursday. The funds therefore be paid in two tranches of 50 million euros and are based on certain success-based milestones, the conference heard.

Ilka Kopplin

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The promise of funding by the EIB will support Biontech, the production capacity to further expand to a “global supply” ensure said Biontech Board member Sierk Poetting. Biontech-founder of Ugur Sahin had stressed in a conversation with the F. A. Z. in mid-March that it was a global challenge: “There is no discussion of whether a vaccination is only available for China, Germany or America.” In the last few weeks are always raging conflict in America with the financial support of individual companies at an early stage capacities for the supply of its own population to secure.

First clinical data at the latest at the beginning of July

works for the development of a Corona-vaccination with Pfizer in America, and Fosun, China. Since the end of April, first clinical Tests are run in this country, for some weeks in America. By the beginning of July, the first data is to be published. Biontech relies technologically on “mRNA”, so the messengers for the communication between the cells responsible.

It is not the first joint project between the EIB and Biontech. Last December, the Institute has supported developments in the field of cancer.