In the Baltic sea, has begun the Nato maneuvers “Baltops2020”, to the air and naval forces of 19 Nato participating States. A total of 29 vessels, more than two-dozen aircraft and some 3000 soldiers are involved in the annual Exercise. This is also recorded in the Baltic sea region the exercise the operation of the Western Alliance again. Because of the ongoing Corona-restrictions on the maneuvers will take place exclusively at sea and in the air. The maneuvers are not from a ship, as usual, but in the main headquarters of the Maritime Nato forces in Lisbon. The sea-to-air maneuvers will last until Tuesday.

Peter Carstens

Political correspondent in Berlin

F. A. Z.

at The same time, the country maneuvers “Defender Europe20”, in which around 4000 American soldiers practicing together with 2000, Poland begins in Poland. Is trained, among other things, the installation of equipment, which had already been in the context of the cancelled American maneuver “Defender2020” transported to Europe. The two Exercises are only a small part of the usual Nato activities were planned for the first half of this year, but then because of the Corona pandemic have been canceled.

After initial Hesitation, Russia had cancelled most of the maneuvers of its armed forces, or moved. On the Western side, about the maneuvers have been canceled, “Allied Spirit” Saber Strike” and “Swift Response”. The German Navy has cancelled its annual Baltic sea maneuvers “Northern Coasts” for the most part. The Navy invites each partner country, this time Denmark would have been. In the Baltic sea maneuvers in the beginning of September to more than three dozen war should have to attend vessels. However, should take place instead, a smaller, multi-national Exercise.