In today’s final week in the absence of the official Eviction orders to the French troops in the occupied territory. The French government has confirmed to the successful implementation of the Young Plan, once again, explicitly, that the evacuation of the Rhine country, on the 30. June ends will be.

The last act of a difficult time in our Rhenish territories comes to an end. We remember in this moment, of all that have worn the residents of this German current country for nearly twelve years.

We remember the invasion in the Winter of 1918, and the completely unlimited military rule, which held in the arms down time for over a year, the Rhineland, under the law of war.

We remember, as the formal limit of this military domination in the Rhineland agreement, the 10. In January 1920 came into force, for years, without practical importance, and the population of the strange violence of the regiment in the sense of complete lawlessness remained.

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the military will always and everywhere lead to a hard Regiment. Some of the harassment and nasty incidents went beyond such excuses far. But they were not the Essential. The terrible cruelty of the Treaty of Versailles was that you want to hold on to at all began to a cultivated European population in ten or fifteen years under military domination, and that they imagined, to this state under the Chapter of peace rubrizieren. Even if it would have come to no incidents and riots, could, as long as the Rhine remained occupied, none of the pacification between France and Germany will be discussed.

The “Frankfurter Zeitung” has played years ago, even the word of a Rhenish pacifists, explained: “The feeling to be under foreign rule, is not a relative, but an absolute, and also the feeling of national freedom.”

population suffers from occupation

The great mass of the population may not have been in any moment of such General considerations determined. The deeper and more sustainable your the thousands of small and often very great Sufferings, privations, humiliations and ill-treatment buried, where she was helpless, and practically mostly without rights suspended.

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So deep, these experiences no longer have to dig the Rhenish people, that many of them found for years to Believe that it could ever again be completely different, the French would ever the of without the signed contract and the occupied territory again. In the last few weeks, you could make educated people, not only the date of the 30. June-sceptic clothing Smile acknowledged, but, in addition, doubts were expressed whether the French Generals should not find new pretexts, its strategic position from the Hunsrück over the Palatinate forest and the Rhine-main corner still and always hold on to.

Such skepticism corresponds to, certainly, in no way more and more to the real issues of today’s French politics. But you have to at least understand their roots. The people on the Rhine have a very haunting historical teaching course through, and he demonstrated to them that what they were called until now, the French Rhineland policy, was not a newly-registered time of appearance and any peculiarity of individual politicians and the military.

Rhine as the French border?

The idea to claim the Rhine as France’s natural border, has a century dominated long the people of France to his most peace-loving circles. On the Rhine, you got to feel that this claim also those who aspired reinforced by the revulsion against new genocides, with all sincerity and urgency of understanding, at least in the sub-consciousness deep-rooted was.