50 years ago: In June 1970, the “black Bach was rejected Initiative”. Thus, the politician James schwarzenbach of the National action to a maximum of ten percent of the population are foreigners.

The SRF-documentary “The political heritage of the Schwarzenbach-Initiative” is reminiscent of this time. Interesting: Also trade unionists and social Democrats have supported the Initiative at that time. It is due to the economy, that the Initiative failed: It needed the work force.

So, my parents are from Italy and Spain have come into the country. People who could afford hardly anything. They lived with three children in a small apartment. My parents have worked all their lives for low wages, and not allowed, “to beg the state”. That was their morality, as it happened with many.

Inhuman contradiction

the Swiss migration policy, one can say today, of course: There is no right to live in Switzerland, but Switzerland has reversed the right to control the Migration according to their own needs. You can be with good reasons against open borders.

But what is inhumane: hundreds of thousands from abroad, in order to use it as a well cement in the country, to feed the economy and at the same time, xenophobic moods. Sentiment against social parasites, burglars, knife engraver, rapists. In the Knowledge that many foreigners as construction workers, be used on an Assembly line, at the supermarket checkout and consume.

“Swiss-first”, but consistently,

Switzerland has sufficiently lived by the principle “The alien cow milking, without it, to be incorporated in the stable”. That’s degrading, and hypocritical. Either the foreigners to keep our economy Running, then we need to have a migration-friendly mood and don’t have to warn you constantly against “foreign Infiltration”. Or it means: “Swiss first! We don’t need any Strangers!” Then you need to be more Patriotic confederates deign to let the building, on the Assembly line at the supermarket and milking.

Giuseppe Gracia (52) is a writer and media relations officer of the diocese of Chur. 20. June, his new novel, “The last enemy” (Fontis Verlag) will appear. In his VIEW column, which appears every second Monday, expressed he is personal views.