Peter Maurer (64) not more travels around the world to meet him, is corona but still not possible. He talks on Skype from his office in Geneva, and looks relaxed. By the beginning of June, Maurer has started his third term as President of the International Committee of the Red cross (ICRC). A fourth is not only due to reasons of age: The ICRC is familiar with a term limit.

no, in the last two months I was either in Bern in the home office or in my office in Geneva. The beginning of the year, I traveled a lot. Two days before the Swiss Lockdown, I was in Syria.

You can, at least to a certain. We can advise a government, a prison administration in the implementation of hygiene measures support, or of course virtual training courses. Without the personal presence of the work, however, is not possible. Most of our world’s around 20’000 employees are still areas in the use.

The local presence, one of the Strengths of the red cross movement, has become incredibly important. With violence, we were faced, of course, always. Corona has exacerbated many of the crises yet. In Yemen, less than 50 percent of the health care system functioning because of the civil war – and now Corona is added. In countries such as Libya, the pandemic also provides for new conflicts, because resources are scarce and actions are controversial.

Yes, especially the secondary consequences of the pandemic are enormous, and, unfortunately, often forgotten. Most countries can’t afford so much money for the maintenance of the economic output of Switzerland. Output drama have lock tables social and economic impacts. Whole swathes of the population lose their income, especially in the informal sector.

Corona is a serious Problem. In some countries, the pandemic reached it is only now at its peak. But the discrepancy between the perception in Europe and the reality in our countries of operation is vast. Take, for example, the South Sudan Within two months, there may have been 20 to 30 deaths due to Corona. In the same period, 300 die in armed conflict and 3000 of Cholera and Malaria.

of Course. But if all the money in the international cooperation flows in the fight against the pandemic is different forget. The worst thing you can do is to combat the Corona only as a Virus, without the secondary consequences and the health systems as a whole. We have seen that in the case of Ebola: While there was much support for fight against is, increased the mortality rates for other diseases.

Experienced Diplomat

Peter Maurer (64) in July 2012, President of the International Committee of the Red cross. His current and last term as ICRC chief runs until 2024. Prior to his red cross involvement, Maurer made as a Diplomat career and worked in various functions – among others, from 2004 until 2010 as head of the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations in New York. Maurer is married and the father of two daughters.

It is always good Slogans to question. In certain areas there is a need for international solutions, for example, when it comes to large investments such as the development of a vaccine. At the same time, the response to the pandemic locally can be very different in each country, there are other dynamics. We are often faced with situations that are specific and local responses require. Corona is a global Problem, the solutions are often very local.

It always pays to stay objective and to identify where international cooperation is really important. We assume the topic of vaccine: From the moment one is available, up to the Moment, where this is also in a village in Burkina Faso available, it takes a long way and a lot of cooperation. I think that such purpose-bound alliances are today more promising than the somewhat old-fashioned conceptions of international cooperation.

This money will allow us, in spite of uncertain financial our humanitarian work rivers to maintain. For us, it is therefore tremendously important to have such re-insurance. But it is also important to create new financial flows and financial instruments and to provide the ICRC on a more sustainable financial base. Both will be made possible by the loan.

Today is Monday, President of the ICRC Peter Maurer will be a guest in TheTalk@TheStudio of Ringier and Helvetia. In conversation with moderator Christine Maier, he reported, such as the ICRC with the challenge of a pandemic, as well as new conflicts and the climate change deal, how the humanitarian work is changing and how he feels when traveling in areas of conflict. To see

there TheTalk@TheStudio from 16 PM live to view TV.

Venezuela: economic crisis

Venezuela in a severe economic crisis. Although the South American country has responded early and dramatically to the pandemic. Stand at the beginning of June, are ill according to the WHO, 1800 people, and 18 died. However, Corona has the already existing problems even more. In the once-rich country, there is a lack of food, medicines and fuel. The UN has since the beginning of the pandemic, and about 100 tons of relief goods brought in the crisis-ridden country. According to estimates by the world food programme, the food prices have been rising since the beginning of the pandemic by up to 150 percent. After all, the state chief, Nicolás Maduro, and his opponent Juan Guaidó last Wednesday have announced to work together and with the participation of the pan American health organization for funds to combat the Coronavirus. Venezuela’s President and the leader of the opposition, are mired since 2019 in a power struggle.

Mali and the Sahel: terror organizations use a pandemic

The Sahel – an area of the Sahara from the Atlantic to the Red sea extends South – is in a serious humanitarian crisis. In addition to poverty and climate change activities of terrorist have beaten groups like Boko Haram and offshoots of the Islamic state (IS) million in the escape. Now the Corona-pandemic increases the pressure on the weak state structures in the Region. The non-governmental organization International Crisis Group warns that terrorist groups could benefit from it: for example in Niger, but also in the already war-torn Mali. Because the state and the security forces are fully engaged in the fight against Corona. And also the international cooperation is slowed down. At the end of may the German Bundestag has decided to extend the Bundeswehr mission in Mali – including Malian armed formed forces. Only the training mission has been suspended since April. Due To Corona.

India: Lockdown failed

The Indian Lockdown made headlines worldwide. Not because the measures would be much different than in other countries, but because of the tempo: On 24. In March Prime Minister Narendra modi announced the Lockdown for 1.37 billion people, four hours before he came into power. So he triggered a humanitarian disaster. Millions of migrant workers were from the Indian cities on the way home. Those who remained, had suddenly lost their income. 80 to 90 percent of the Indian population work in the informal sector. Now, the government has drawn the consequences and is in the process of the Lockdown gradually repealed. To serious social and economic consequences. However, the Corona-the danger remains. By the middle of may in the city of Mumbai, the hospital beds become scarce. And, according to the world health organization, the Indian Contagion rise in the number of still – currently there are Infected about 180’000.