the houses of The Europe Allee overlooking the Zurich main station, the daily, hundreds of thousands of commuters frequenting. The luxury of SBB constructions are made up of several Hundreds of rental properties for which you would have to dig deep in the pockets.

One of the flagship projects will now come to an abrupt end: The luxury retirement residences Gustav, and the eponymous Restaurant on the ground floor have closed. Today, the gastro will be liquidated operation. In addition to the new decor of the Restaurants, and a few items of equipment of the apartments are for sale, as a of VIEW shows. The interests of Zurich is large, the queues in front of the liquidation of the buildings are long.

Not even a third of the apartments inhabited

The luxury Apartments were once advertised for a price between 7000 and 15 000 Swiss francs per month. To offer the furnished rental apartments, a lobby at the entrance, a Michelin-starred Restaurant, a Wellness area and a comprehensive Butler services belonged to.

But it is not good enough. Of the total of 73 apartments, only 22 are currently occupied. The reasons for the Failure of the operator of the retirement residences can speculate that Di-Gallo group, only: “Maybe the location was too urban for our target audience, or the time is not yet ripe for such an offer,” says Jörg Denzler, spokesman for the Di-Gallo group to VIEW. The group had to cancel the rental agreement with the SBB in advance.

SBB write to housing new from

From 1. October 2020, the Apartments are part of the SBB. These offer the apartments now for a fraction of the former rental price. A 2.5-room apartment now costs between 2400 and 3440 francs, charges included. The 4,5-rooms apartment in the 11. Floor still costs 6820 francs, including ancillary costs.

“The apartments are not rented with the same Services as they had offered to Gustav,” says SBB-spokesman Daniele Pallecchi to VIEW the discounted price.

Service now costs extra

A Lodge of the service with Concierge’m going to give it to, but still. This will handle basic services, such as Taxi ordering, Table reservations or event tickets. Similarly, Postal and courier services.

Other possible services can be obtained according to the SBB continue, however, the cost in addition. Whether the reduced prices will bring in the empty luxury Apartments, finally, life, time will tell.

the face of the Swiss real estate speculation

Recently denounced the tenants Association of Switzerland (MVS), the Europe Avenue to the face of the Swiss real estate speculation. The Europe Allee in Zurich, an example of the overpriced luxury buildings, real estate, Rents in Switzerland, speculators are driving up to a height of, the Association. Such speculators wants to put the tenants ‘ Association with the Initiative “More affordable housing”, it has a bar.

“objects, such as the Europaallee in Zurich, in a 3.5-room apartment can cost up to 5800 francs a month, bring no added value for the district. Instead, they push up the Rents all round in the height”, said Carlo Sommaruga, President of the Association. The Rents are a burden on the wallet of the Swiss is becoming stronger. Since 2005, the Rent increased according to the rent index by a whopping 19 percent, while the General inflation has remained under five percent. Dorothea Vollenweider