A company throws customer out – and they are all happy with it. This unusual process Neflix in a Blog has announced a contribution. The background is that there are Users who have for a year and more, although a subscription and pay, but not a single series or a movie have more looked. According to Eddy Wu, Netflix Product Innovation, there are even users who pay for two years in vain.

And overall, it is not a little inactive Accounts. Although it is less than 0.5 percent, of at least 170 million customers worldwide, but still 800’000 people, the numbers, but nothing to consume. And there are almost eight million Swiss francs in revenue per month!

However, Netflix does not want to apparently cash in on more, if it is obvious that the users have forgotten their subscription. Instead, the inactive users in the next few days to get a message. With one click, you can let your subscription continue to run, otherwise it will be cancelled automatically – which Netflix reserves the right, by the way also in the terms and conditions.

Probably for months credit card statement is not exactly

looked at by the Way: Regardless of whether it announces itself or out is thrown, during ten months, it has saved his favorites lists and Profiles. To reactivate the Account, everything is as before.

But, as it ever comes to that 800’000 people no longer have to pay for 12 months and more for a subscription that you can use at all? Since you can only take guesses. About that credit card bill is not looked at carefully, and the ten or twelve francs per month, not stand out.

iPhone Users can take out the Netflix subscription directly through iTunes. Here, too, it should not be some that have your subscriptions under control. This cancel is actually quite easy, especially because Netflix allows a customer-friendly cancellation of the subscription on each month.

how to cancel your Netflix subscription

Surf Netflix.com and log in with your E-Mail address and password. Under subscription Details, you will see what you have solved for the moment for a subscription, and also when it is billed monthly. Here you can change it. A cheaper subscription with fewer options is also possible at any time, which Modification shall be effective on the next billing date. An Upgrade is not immediately possible. You can also switch flexibly between the two subscriptions.

Log in netflix.com and go to “account”. Directly above, you can find the Option “cancel membership”. With a second click, you can delete the subscription.

at the end of its Streaming-only plan directly on an Apple iPhone device, running the subscription via iTunes. You have to change it there or cancel. To do this, you have to log in to a device with his Apple ID. On the iPhone, for example, people can then tap “settings” on its name, what the info on the Apple ID displayed. Here there is also a menu item “subscription”. With two clicks you can terminate such subscriptions to check, maybe a good opportunity if you have not completed otherwise also subscription. Managing the subscription also works on iTunes on the Mac or in the settings of Apple TV.