a few years Ago, the famous scene from the movie “The wind was good in gone with the wind” – the moment before Scarlett O’hara and Rhett Butler kiss -to illustrate the news agencies yet, the “day of the kiss”. The idea today would come so quickly no one. The film adaptation of the novel by Margaret Mitchell, published in 1936, and quickly became a Bestseller it was, is no longer a love story set against the Backdrop of the southern society in America, it is a testimony of the former slave-holder relationships, which does not reflect this, of course, but in a mild light. That’s why the Warner Media belonging to the production company HBO “gone with The wind” (Gone with the Wind) now provisionally from the program of its just-launched streaming portal, HBO, Max.

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

“The wind” was blown away “a product of his time and describes some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were unfortunately common in the American society,” said a spokesman for HBO. “These racist depictions were wrong and are today, and we were of the view that it would be irresponsible to keep this title without an explanation and critical defects of these representations in the program.” The Film will return to the program “connected with a discussion of its historical context, and the criticism of his representation”. The Film will not be processed, but more in its original version shown. “Because we would do it differently, this would be so to claim, as it would have given these prejudices never.”

Just as it had previously, the author and producer John Ridley, who won in 2014 for his screenplay to “12 Years a Slave” the Oscar, demanded in an article in the “Los Angeles Times”. The Film glorify the southern States before the civil war: “It is a Film that, if he is just ignoring the horrors of slavery, is like, some of the most painful Stereotypes wrote to pass over People of Color’ transparent”, Ridley. HBO should not banish, his Monitum, the movie, but after a certain period of time, along with other movies back into the program, which showed a more complex picture of slavery and of the society of the American South. At best, you should accompany this with a discussion about “Narrative” and point out why it is important, many voices and different perspectives.