the kings were three, and the old art shows, the Trio usually as a group to the child Jesus. Not so in the exquisite “worship” by Pieter Coecke van Aelst, the Dorotheum auction house in Vienna, the old masters auction at 9. June crowns. There was the black Balthazar catches the eye, as he lifts in the foreground, the white cloak and his vines shows calves. Most of the delighted gaze of the man with the myrrh-vessel, going deep inside instead of on the Sensation of the Messiah ties, however. Around 1523, the resulting panel image does not kings only, it also has been acquired by a Regent. The Dutch Monarch, Willem II bought this Adoration in front of the ruins of architecture in the year 1840. Like a watercolor is evidenced in the catalogue, adorned Coecke van Aelsts magnificent work, the painting gallery of the Oraniers in The Hague castle. Later, the 112 times 75 centimeter large panel was in the possession of the princes of Wied and the Princess of Württemberg, and comes from a private German hands for 400,000 to 600,000 euros to the Vienna auction.

In an even earlier era is the second Centerless grinding of the old masters auction, at the in writing, by telephone, or via the “Live Bidding” included can be supplied. The four altarpieces for the passion story were attributed in the course of five hundred years more to Master. In the Dorotheum, the well-preserved panel works under the “South German school”, but a possible Creator as the master of the Crailsheimer altar, Michael Wolgemut and Hans Schüchlin run to stay in the race. Although the late Gothic-oriented, speaks from the sacred works of a independent composition and style of painting. The panels, “Christ on the mount of Olives,” and “lamentation of Christ” are two meters, a little larger than the “cross-bearing Christ” and the “crucifixion”, which is due to the design of the no longer existing Reredos. To the previous owners of the fresh market Loose also Prince Alexander von Dietrichstein to Nikolsburg count. The tax now stands at 500,000 to 600,000 euros.


among the other highlights of the Nordic art-the painting “The head bearing end of a young woman” by Anthonis van Dyck. The portrait of this red-head, painted with Oil on paper and wood was raised, represents most probably a study for a, representing a penitent Saint Mary Magdalene. As a Comparison, a figure from van Dyck’s picture of “drunken Silenus”, which belongs to the gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden is used. This early work of the artist goes for 300,000 to 500,000 Euro the Start-up. As monkey theatre Jan Brueghel the Younger has created in his “allegory of the Tulipomanie”. The 250,000 to 350,000 and weighted small-format represents the speculation with flower bulbs with primates as alternates.

From the Italian history of art attracts the unpublished oil Painting “Lot and his daughters” by Massimo Stanzione. The Neapolitans has painted the characters of the Bible several times, but it’s no different in the portrait is known. The on a stone-signed, color beautiful plant is expected to import 200,000 to 300,000 Euro. Of Stanziones strongest competitors, Jusepe Ribera, has the Dorotheum with two images of saints. The up-facing face of Ribera’s “Saint Joseph” shines forth from the darkness. For this Apostle the image of the noble collector could have been Giuseppe Carafa model (250.000/350.000). The “penance of St. Dominic” is regarded as a Mature work of 1640, and shows the founder of the order, with the tonsure and the stigma, which is rare (300.000/400.000). The Genoese Valerio Castello is represented by an “adoration of the shepherds”, the vitality is full of (150.000/200.000).

one of the most interesting introductions is a “wedding at Cana”, which bears the initials of El Greco. The analysis of the image speaks for an artist who was Tintoretto’s famous representation, as well as with the icon-painting familiar (the 30,000/50,000). The requested Porträtistin Lavinia Fontana took on the order of 1598 the knights beaten the count. While a inscription is reminiscent of the papal honour, the Neo-knights on a picture with Venus and Cupid. The three-quarter portrait could be as a gift for the fiancée emerged (80.000/120.000).