The world of a child 75 years ago, a different than it is today. Giancarlo Zanatta knocked crooked nails straight, when he was six. He used a Hammer, took under large, flat stones of the river Piave, scraped off, and not sure to cut on the Finger. You read the book, in the Zanatta his memories has stated, one gets the impression that he still had not a bad Childhood. And finally, something happened to him: the founder and owner of a sports article and Outdoor group. A made man, the great footprints behind.

Walter Wille

editorial “technology and Motor”

F. A. Z.

friends and companions describe Zanatta, who was born in 1938, as a brave and tireless. He sees himself as inquisitive, enthusiastic, stubborn. He went on his way with tenacity and drive, but the life, the way he looks now, at the age of 80 years, would have been much different without the coincidences and fateful twists and turns. Events like the moon landing. Or the accident of his grandfather.

The farmer was the son and for the field work, up to that Moment, in which he was taken when you collect Firewood in the forest by a falling tree Branch. From now on, the grandfather was physically strong, so he had to find a profession where he could work in a Sitting position, tailor or Shoe-maker. He decided for shoemaking, and brought everything on the way.

The operation of the grandfather, the father took over, was in Nervesa della Battaglia, near the “Shoe capital” of Montebelluna in the Veneto region. At the end of the Second world war, he passed the benches of a small room with a couple of Schuster. Six, seven employees manufactured and repaired shoes with and without heels, boots for lumberjacks, construction and quarry workers, walkers, gamekeepers and shepherds. Shoe-tops were fastened with nails on the Bars. The pulled out pins on the small, Giancarlo, pounded, so you could re-use. The Savings allowed the one or the other ride.

Zanatta defied opened his critics

As the adolescent son of his parents, to want the operation to continue, were not father and mother happy, but shocked. The business they trusted no great future. Prefer an apprenticeship at a Bank, something safe. But Giancarlo has remained stubbornly, insisted to learn the craft from the ground up, the Cutting and sewing of leather. He completed an internship in Treviso and attended a school of design in Milan, where he graduated in 1956 with 18-year diploma in technical footwear design.

Together with Ambrosiano, his brother, put it. The two took orders, borrowed a lot of Lire, bought machines, transformed the workshop into a factory. They showed at trade fairs, picked up the threads, got to knowing the right people and took the first steps on an area that is today referred to as the “research and development”. Giancarlo was the man for the Creative and Commercial, Ambrosiano took care of purchasing and production. They put on technical progress and named their company Tecnica.