The Federal government is planning a scientific investigation into possible racist tendencies in the police. The Federal ministries for home Affairs and justice “are currently in the conceptual development for a study of ‘Racial Profiling’ in the police,” said a spokesman for the Interior Department of the newspaper “world”. The study Design is not fixed yet.

The term “Racial Profiling” refers to the fact that officials people control solely on the basis of external characteristics such as skin color, without an occasion. This is forbidden in Germany by the basic law.

After the death of the African-American George Floyd, who was in the United States, victims of police violence, but in this country about such occurrences debated. The SPD-Chairwoman Saskia esque had said at the beginning of the week in an Interview: “in Germany there is a latent racism in the ranks of the security forces, which have to be detected through measures of Internal governance and fight.” The vast majority of police standing such tendencies toward servants but very critical and suffer from the potential loss of confidence resulting from the fact.

with cases of unjustified police work violence, urged esque place an independent complaint. With their evaluation they met with, among others, some of the SPD interior Ministers to criticism.

The Greens have been calling for some time for an independent police officer of the Federal government, the citizens can contact, if you of misconduct or structural deficiencies are noticed in the police. You rely now on the support of the SPD parliamentary group.

“the SPD is required to implement what was required by their Chairman to the public,” said Irene Mihalic, a professional woman of the Green for domestic policy, on Thursday of the dpa. “We bet on the fact that the SPD join in this time, if the treatment of our law is to bill in Committee be postponed,” she added.