The orange-red Golden Gate Bridge, the symbol of the American West coast city of San Francisco, is from a distance to see – and, more recently, in strong Wind from afar to hear. Under construction hand railings elicited by the 83-year-old construction, unusual sounds. As a “buzzing noise” described it bridge district spokesman Paolo Cosulich-Schwartz on Monday in the “San Francisco Chronicle”.

in Order to improve the wind resistance. had been replaced the old, wider by the pursuit of narrower. Already during Tests in the wind tunnel, you would have heard a slight buzz, said the spokesman. But obviously, the planners had not reckoned with the reactions of local residents and bridge users. After strong winds on Friday, which blew from a westerly direction into the Bay of San Francisco, arrived comments and complaints in Social Media Posts and made Videos with the singing sound of the round.

From “spooky” to “angel”, from “sirens” to “the wind” has been described the unusual Sound. “It is new and it will take a while to get used to all of us on it,” said Cosulich-Schwartz, the TV station KCBS. “It is an interesting new item for an 83-year-old bridge”. In the case of exasperated residents, this interpretation may fall on deaf ears.

last year started railing part of a million project are working to have fishing nets made of steel as a suicide-install the protection device.