hope for the endangered Pangolins: a Few days after China’s state forestry administration has increased the protection status of the animals, painted the authorities, according to newspaper reports, the dandruff from the list of traditional Chinese medicine. Animal rights activists reacted on Wednesday with relief.

The decisions “will not dry out the black market, probably, but you might put a brake on the commercial and legal consumers to be discouraged,” said the founder of the Foundation for rare and endangered animals, Maria Diekmann, the AFP news Agency. They believe that the decision was “99 percent” with the Corona pandemic in context. Some scientists believe that the Coronavirus in China on bats and Pangolins to the people has been transferred. A reconstruction of the origin of the Virus is not likely to be possible.

The most-traded wild animal in the world

The Virus, Chinese authorities had broken out, according to the information in December on a market in the Central Chinese city of Wuhan, the wild animals and wild meat were sold. Since then, Beijing has banned the sale of wild animals for consumption, but your trade will be allowed, among other things, for the purposes of research or for traditional medicine remains.

Pangolins are particularly threatened. The Mammal, according to the world conservation Union (IUCN), the most traded endangered wildlife of the world. More than a Million copies were hunted, therefore, in the past ten years in the forests in Asia and Africa. The mammals are on the list of cites Cites. On illegal markets in Asia, including Burma, achieve high prices.