The Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe has rejected the Urgency of two families against the law for measles vaccination. The parents of small children had to achieve that you can leave your kids, even without the vaccination booklet in nursery or with a childminder, at least as long as support, to also constitutional filed complaints to the decision.

the judge rejected a message from the Assembly. The interest, to leave children without the protection of vaccination in a community Agency support, had to withdraw to the interest in the defense of the risk of measles infection for life or health of many people. The decision of the constitutional court was on 11. May, in the absence of.

For stronger protection against the highly contagious measles is a vaccination for children has been valid since March, in day-care centres, schools and child day care. Parents must demonstrate before the recording that your children are vaccinated. For children who go to kindergarten or to school, the evidence up to 31. July 2021 to be done.

when will a decision on the constitutional complaints of a total of four families, is still unclear. The parents are supported by the “Initiative free vaccination decision-making” and the Association “Doctors for individual vaccination decision-making e. V.”. From their point of view, you will be deprived of any possibility of an external care of their children.