These jokes went in the pants: On the weekend published 3+ a Video in which the “Bachelorette”candidates delivered a “flat joke-Challenge”. Mike Cees (32) has spoken of its competitors, Robert (24) and Martin (25) “the worst and the best of the Russians-jokes ever, ever, ever, ever”, while the two water in the mouth. The goal: Who can retain the water longer in the mouth, wins.

the height of The “jokes” was not too high. “I wanted to make a Russian joke, but someone Stal-in-grade,” said the Berlin-based DJ in the first place. In the course of the video, the level is not increased. “What’s the name of the Russian family Minister? Ivan-Fuck-you-you-me,” it continued.

Because the Russians-“jokes” were not sufficient, advanced 3+ the Humor is wide-span. “Why was there never an Albanian in the space? Because you can’t lease the missiles,” from las Mike Cees from his cell phone.

3+ apologizes

What do the jokes about people with Russian or Albanian origin, with the dome format is unclear. Obviously, this can not explain the transmitter itself. Because on demand of VIEW 3+ writes: “We are sorry for the botched Post, we have immediately from our canals. And we take this Post as an opportunity to review our internal control mechanisms for Social-Media Posts, and – at most – to adapt.”

the Whole of the Video is not gone, however: On the 3+-it is now always accessible.

is Not the first blunder

It is not the first Social Media Video of 3+, this provides a shake of the head. So about the Bachelor Patric Haziri (30) philosophised with his predecessor Clive Bucher (27) a year ago in a “Wolf of Wall Street”parody about Masturbation.