In the year 1999, published in the short story “Rainbow Mars” by the American Science-Fiction author Larry Niven can travel people far in the future through wormholes to the past. Real what is happening to them is not experience but only if you go further back than to the eighties of the 20th century. Century. Because as Kip Stephen Thorne was recognized by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), that you could actually travel back in time, through suitably prepared worm holes. Before traveling in the past had been nothing more than a fairy tale, which is why Nivens figures land further back leading Trips in any of these Fantasy worlds.

Ulf von rauchhaupt

Responsible for the Department of “science,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

Kip Thorne’s Work on worm holes in honorigen physical journals published. Because such hypothetical anomalies in the space-time geometry, which allowed, in the case of your existing short paths between distant regions of the universe, not just the novels, the only Prop of the future, but also valid solutions of the Albert Einstein laid down by the force of gravity – Thornes special field equations.

Here is part of the Utah-born son of a chemist, and an economist for more than 50 years one of the leading researchers. Together with his doctor father, the famous John Archibald Wheeler, and another former doctoral students of Charles Misner, is the author of Kip Thorne in 1972, the most widely used and until today, perhaps the best Textbook on the modern theory of gravitation. At the time, he was already two years a Full Professor at Caltech, as the youngest in the

a penchant for spectacular Hypothetical

the history of this very prestigious education. In California, he has since remained, geographically and intellectually, including part-time jobs in Hollywood: In 2014, he consulted with Christopher Nolan for his movie “Interstellar”, and calculated as the emerging Black hole “Gargantua” had to look. He was not only a very readable book (“The Science of Interstellar”), but also an academic publication.

The affinity for the popular culture he shared with the British Stephen Hawking, the famous gravitational theorist of his time. Like this, he has appeared in the Sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”, and of course the two of them have been completed once the public is a bet: It went on to question whether the astronomical x-ray source Cygnus X-1 is now a black hole to hide or not. Thorne won. His penchant for spectacular Hypothetical limited never on the worm holes. He thought also about the stars, could sit in the Interior of other stars, so-called Thorne-Żytkow objects.