The Risk of the spread of disease is now ‘very high’
Folkhälsomyndigheten increases the risk of a general spread of the coronavirus in the uk to the highest: ”very good”.

at the same time, notifies the authority that the evidence in the samhällsspridning to people with no known utlandskoppling infection in the Stockholm region and in the Västra Götaland region.

on the other hand, they are not indicative of the samhällsspridning all over the country.

Folkhälsomyndigheten are asking the public to avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and homes for the elderly because of the risk of continuing coronavirussmitta.

this is for all the people with the coronavirussymptom to avoid other people altogether, to the extent that this is possible.

” Each and every one of the symptoms will limit her social contacts. What does it mean? If you have a job where you meet people, you should stay at home, ” says the director-general Johan Carlson at today’s press conference.

READ MORE: at the Risk of the spread of disease in Sweden increased at a much högRegion Stockholm, sweden a change of strategy
the Region of Stockholm, sweden are now being forced to change the strategy, and will focus on the most seriously ill.

” in The case of provtagningsrutiner, in which we were entrenched. For now, we focus it the most difficult of the sick. We will have to catch up early in the morning, in the healthcare sector, so as not to expose the other, in the treatment of the disease, ” says Follin, county medical officer in Stockholm, sweden.

a Total of 207 people have now been found to be infected in the Region of Stockholm, and after a further 60 people have tested positive in the day.

the vast Majority of people have been infected in Italy, or have been in direct contact with the people who have been infected in Italy, and a small number of cases have been linked to travel to Iran, according to the Stockholm Region.

at the same time, cared for two coronaviruspatienter at the Karolinska university hospital intensivavdelning in Huddinge, sweden, is the first case in Sweden. the foreign office advises against travel to Italy

in the Past advised the MINISTRY for foreign affairs of all non-essential travel to a number of regions in the north of Italy. Now in terms of dissuasion rather than for the whole of Italy.

the recommendation not to proceed until further notice, said the foreign MINISTRY in a press release.

According to the authority, are 10,000 and 15,000 citizens in Italy. They all get to go home, as planned, provided that they are hembiljett, and has made självförsäkran, in which it states its reasons for the trip.

“the Movement will be restricted to a highly motivated, business trips, travel for health reasons, and other emergency situations,” says Matthew Heimonen, at the foreign MINISTRY’s press service said.

the Swedish civil contingencies Agency (MSB) set, if the MINISTRY were to decide that the swedes, in Italy, have been evacuated.

“They’re asking for in this case, the MSB and the MSB has this type of emergency,” said Marcus Årskog, press officer at the MSB.

READ MORE: , the Swedish MINISTRY for foreign affairs advises against all travel to Italy