Effektutvärderingen of estonia, the reform has shown very positive results. The employment rate among foreign born has increased, the thresholds have been out of the labour market has declined, and the income and the labour supply has increased, especially among women with children at home who are buying ruttjänster.

Rutavdraget has created jobs and opportunities to start a business for the people who find it difficult to gain a foothold in the labour market. In addition, the release time of the purchase ruttjänster, which has led to an increase in the supply of labour, and an easier life. Rutavdraget reduce the black labour, which contributes to a higher level of tax compliance and increase the security of those who now work in white.
Attracting women into the business
one-Half of the business leaders in the rutföretag women, and was the fifth employee from the school. One in four people have a short training program, and more than one in every three people is utrikesfödd. Almega has previously been shown to be 75% of those who are employed within the rutföretag were out of work, or made redundant when they were hired.

to the Left, call the rutavdraget for a grant to the upper class”. In fact, it’s the hundreds of thousands of retirees who are now using the rut of the home. There are a total of two-thirds of over 600 000 pieces of the mesh families with children and the elderly, who need help in their daily lives.
V) the error on the kemtvättstransport
in Addition to the danger to the unions about what it is that the use of mesh seems to not be the Party to know what is being proposed by the investigators, if an extension of the rut. The party claims that the proposal implies that you will get a deduction for transport, for cleaning, something that does not exist at all in the draft.

on the Left is always opposed to tax cuts, regardless of the positive impact it has on both the person and the community.

it is possible to in a recession. It is therefore important to encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of jobs, through, for example, an expanded mesh. We at the Centre are very proud to have pushed through a reform that has created new companies and jobs in the uk, and have contributed to the integration of and equality between the sexes.

this is the opinion of sweden, the Centre party.

READ MORE: RUTH-less, in order to water the flowers, not really wise