the Fruits and vegetables that is made before they even made it out of the butiksgolven are not included in the statistics, drew the attention of Lori Battle, and Mattias Eriksson from the Swedish university of agricultural sciences.

“in The course of the movement, as we found when we looked at the waste from grocery stores was previously unknown, at least to the scientists, and people outside of the food industry,” says Ingrid of the Combat.

She continues:
– Fruits and vegetables is the number of kilograms of the product category has the most waste, then the bread and milk, and this is missing, the statistics are likely to be large, the quantities to be returned.

in a Swedish supermarket chains, have recently taken to reporting in its matavfallssiffror by the environmental protection agency. The results have just been announced, and the store’s shrinkage is as much as 100 000 tonnes per year. This figure is more than three times higher than that of the how great it has been believed that the waste is (in 2014 and 2016, it was considered to be on of the 30 000 tonnes per year).

Ida Adolfsson, who is the administrator of the environmental protection agency’s hållbarhetsenhet explains that the previous year’s data on food waste has been started from the random sorting analyses of residual waste and the sampling of a number of the retail shops. Stickprovssvaren has since been scaled up on the basis of how many of those who work in the trade, and how much the turnover is, whereas the new survey will be based on the amount of members in the Swedish food retail sector itself has been reported to the environmental protection agency.

However, the figure is 100 000 metric tons the products to be returned, or the food, such as, for example, becomes an animal feed. We know at the moment how much food from the stores, which, overall, could have been a food for human consumption, if everything has been taken care of at the time, and does not become waste, or has gone to the animals, ” explains Ida Adolfsson.

She added that it is the climate, of course, is you need to eat the food that is being produced.

it is Important that the losses be recorded in the SLU-researcher, Ingrid, Contrary to the opinion that the 100,000 tonnes of waste in the matvarubutikerna still sounds very low.

” But, for me, is the most important thing is not where losses are recorded, but that it does not fall through the cracks in between the shops and the vendors, and ”forgotten”. With some of the brödföretag are responsible for filling the store shelves, and the stores do not have to pay for the bread, which is not to be sold, for example, have no incentive at all to adjust orders or to prissänka, in order to reduce waste, ” says dr Battle.

this dilemma is also present in the research study was financed by the Swedish environmental protection agency, which announced in november of last year.

” Retursystemen for example, for the bread will reduce the incentive to prevent loss by action in a store, try ordering the right amount of product, and sell the surplus at a discounted price. This is because these goods have to be returned, and not as a cost, or go out in the company’s own statistics, ” says one of the authors of the report, Åsa Nyblom, from the Swedish Environmental research institute IVL Swedish environmental research institute.

top Ten Most discarded food in the refrigerator
– Soft bread, a 47.5 per cent.

the Cucumbers, and 29.7 per cent.

in the Course, 27 per cent.

Clementin, at 24.4 per cent.

Tomatoes, and 22.9 per cent.

Milk (21.6%).

the Sour cream, and 21.1 per cent.

it Would, of 19.9 per cent.

the Onion, and 18.1 per cent.

the Cream, which is 18 per cent.

Source: the Willys.

View the merVisa mindreLivsmedelskedjorna many times to sell goods that are approaching the ‘best before’ date, but much remains to be done, according to those experts, who Express in a conversation.Photo credit: CHRISTIAN BJÖRNERHAG Butikschefernas of sight key
some of the people she was talking to on the shop floor told me that there is a loss, which doesn’t come with the in-store metrics such as, for example, by returning the full baskets of tomatoes, before they are rolled out into the stores just because a few tomatoes, can have to have a blemish.

” Butikschefernas view of the importance of the fight against food waste plays an important role in determining how much weight the store to put in the svinnförebyggande action. In our study, resulting in a balancing act between the pursuit of profit and the increase in sales, and how much food waste they are able to think for themselves, to be accepted. It seems the store managers make very different assessments, ” says Åsa Nyblom.

She continues:
Enough of the goods to send buy signals to be generated for the customer, but for fruit and vegetables, able, rarely, the pressure when so much of the food is stacked for height. Then it is thrown away, even more so. However, there are also stores that are actively working to prissänka, and a sell-out and many people are taking the compensation cost that may result from the packaging and prissänker, in order to reduce the losses.
How big is the food wastage at the retail shops
, the environmental protection agency’s latest assessment is that the 100,000 tons of food waste each year is thrown in the Swedish retail stores.

, That is, more than three times higher than the report before that time, assessed that food waste is low on the.

In the statistics of the grocery stores are not the goods which will be returned to the vendor. Retursystemen milk and bread reduces the incentive to try to sell these foods, because they are able to return the goods, almost without a fee.

, this Wastage is often due to expired best-before date. There may be errors of judgment on the order, the customer’s irregular buying patterns, the competition, or their own campaigns, or the business of product placement in the store.

Source: the Swedish environmental protection agency.

View the merVisa off
a number of the stores who are involved feel that the legal framework puts a spoke in the wheel. Like the shopkeepers in the store’s in-house restaurants use food that’s going to be like, so, for example, a full ingredienslistor to be established. It is not permissible to give away the food either way.

“One concern that was brought up in our butiksintervjuer is that the ‘best before’ dates are often set with too large a margin, and with his best interests at heart. Then I get to the shops less and less time in which to sell the products to the customer. This study was one in a series of studies that have shown that the food supply chain of today is the dysfunctional one. There needs to be more viable for all stages of the value chain to assist each other in order to reduce wastage, says Åsa Nyblom.

the Experts and the shop workers were, the study found that the fundamental reason for the matsvinnsproblematiken is that the food today is so cheap. This allows for food to be valued too low, both for consumers and for the trade. In 1955, stood in the matkostnaderna for about one-third of a household’s disposable income. Today, the figure is 17 per cent, which is one-half.

“When it comes to inexpensive items, such as the sale of’ bake-off bread, the stores are not always in sek, half of the work that is required in order to prissänka or package on the. There is, of England, in fact, a pioneer in the sense that the work is transparent, ” says Åsa Nyblom.

She says that consumer behaviour has changed to be seen a little embarrassed to buy reduced food that is approaching its best-before-date, we now betraka it’s a smart environmental performance.

Ingrid is Great advice for those who want to reduce food wastage:

press and Hold back to buy.

Shop for the home, and two days later than you originally intended and see it as a challenge to eat out of the fridge, freezer and pantry before you fill it with a new one.


Freeze leftovers , but make sure that you have a high turnover of them. Choose advantage of the frozen avocado and mango, if you’re going to make guacamole or a smoothie. A frozen fish makes for less waste than fresh, because the stores don’t have to throw as much back then.


Find the right size: . Don’t buy more than you are!

4. Be inspired, be happy, the recipe, but do not follow them to the letter. . Use what you already have instead of buying every single thing that is mentioned in the recipe. Do you have 1.5 cups of cream of … and 3 cups of the milk in the pancakes, you can shake up gräddfilsslatten with just the right amount of water.

5. Make a environmental performance through in-store

select boxes, and packaging materials, which is a little chipped , which is otherwise thrown away.

Source: Ingrid Strid, researcher at the Department of energy and technology, Agricultural technology, and the Swedish university of agricultural sciences.

to View merVisa mindreMatsvinn documented from an e-trading company to a large chain store.Photo by: Private READ MORE: , you can make money from the stores, reducing food wastage and READ MORE: Banana värstingbov in the store’s food waste. READ MORE: Plastexperten: the more Expensive bags offers 40 per cent more utsläppLandsbygdsministern, with more and more talk about food waste, and a waste of resources.