It was the eve before the clock until 14: 30 on Tuesday, that the police department was alerted for an apartment in Majorna, Gothenburg.

In the apartment the suspect as a man in order to have access to weapons and threatened to use it.

According to GT, it’s about a man who has been threatening to kill his expartner. The man must have been showing off a shotgun in conjunction with the hotfullheterna, according to information provided to the GT.
a number of resources to hit it
the Police decided to carry out a police operation, and several of the resources are in place, including the ambulance service.

The suspect and the man refused initially to come out of the apartment. It was not until after the negotiators were invited to meetings to talk with the man as he left the apartment and was arrested.

No person shall be skadads in connection with the operation and.

the Police also had a search warrant and found the weapon inside the apartment.

the Text to be updated.
