Raquel Bollo starred in a moment of high tension in Sálvame on Tuesday, May 23. That day the Telecinco space received Rocío Cortés, daughter of Chiquetete, who was critical of the collaborator and her children.

When they were already dealing with another topic, Adela González and Terelu Campos left the set when they heard some screams. It happened when there were only a few minutes left to finish Sálvame Naranja. The conductors of the format met Bollo, who was enraged in the corridors of Mediaset. In addition, Belén Esteban ran to try to calm her down, something she failed to do.

Carmen Borrego’s sister tried to talk to the Andalusian. This one of hers charged against her because she considered that he had not supported her: “The other day you saw me and you didn’t even look at me.” The presenter said: “I haven’t defended you? Let’s see if you watch the program and apologize. You’re going to apologize!”

Manuel Cortés’s mother attacked the program: “You talk about minors, you talk about parents… You are all scoundrels. 15 years giving the callous here! Rocío Carrasco is mistreated and me, with three sentences, do you keep bringing me people You scoundrels!”

“You have not let me close a chapter in life. Is this what you wanted, show? Well, yes, but the lawsuit continues. People do not think that I have the image you give. What happens is that I am defending myself in the courts, because they mistreated me a lot and you have continued to psychologically mistreat me a lot,” he said.

The Fiesta collaborator ended up releasing: “I don’t care about Telecinco and its fucking motherfucker. That’s good, you’ve fired set collaborators for talking about Rocío Carrasco and you bring them to me!”

She addressed her friend Belén Esteban: “And don’t kill yourself with anyone, if it’s not worth it, then they see me and don’t talk to me.” Save me ended up showing the set, where there were neither the gatherings nor the presenters.

Raquel Bollo was in Survivors: No Man’s Land that same day and took advantage of a moment of the gala to talk about what happened hours before: “This afternoon I experienced an unpleasant situation. After months of pressure, I exploded and I did it again bad way”.

The collaborator apologized live: “I would like to apologize to the viewers and, of course, to Telecinco, a channel that has also given me very good moments and the ability to have a job to support my children. I am very sorry for the shapes”.

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