after an inspection of the accident and emergency department in the autumn, as the Swedish work environment authority decided, for an injunction with the penalty of a fine of sek 200 000, if not for a certain number of measures were put in place before the first of march.

as of the Employer’s response was sent to the Swedish work environment authority, the 27th of February, in which it was stated: ”the undersigned has taken note of the measures that have been taken by the relevant department, and hereby give notice that the requirements of the notice are complied with”.

It remains to be seen whether the Swedish work environment authority believes that these measures are insufficient, writes Halland News.

“We’ll go down in the depths, in order to get to the rotorsakerna, it’s about listening to employees ‘experiences,” says the department head, Jonas Hultgren told the newspaper.

the measures Taken by the
According to Hultgren has the accident and emergency department carried out an intensive work together with the Swedish association of health professionals, and health and safety personnel. It is, in order to improve the working environment.

in The county of Halland is a consensus that the accident and emergency department has taken steps, but more can be done in order for it to be as good as the one you want.

the Swedish work environment Authority’s inspection came after a complaint from the right health professionals, and health and safety personnel. The criticisms were mainly to do with under-staffing. The staff do not have the time to take sufficient rest breaks and the working of the lot, considered the the. The notification was preceded by an earlier clash between the Swedish association of health professionals, and the employer of the first party, and saw a notification that it is the final stage of the same conflict, according to the Hallans News previously reported.

READ MORE: the Group warnings – from inside accident and emergency department