on Sunday night, several Danish media outlets have gone out with the news that another person has been infected with a Coronavirus.
a Person is standing close to one another, one of which was found infected in February. He was in Denmark’s second case of corona virus, and found infected with the recently identified infected person was a member of the hemmakarantän.
the Information comes from a press release issued by the Danish Board of directors of Patient safety, the local on Sunday night, the paper said.
Now, therefore, the four persons found infected with the coronavirus.
the first of The infected, is the editor of the Danish TV 2 news, which had been on a skiing holiday in Italy.
the other is The aforementioned man, although he became infected during a holiday in the north of Italy. He has had the symptoms for nine days before he was contacted by the healthcare system.
in The third, the dane, who had become noted for the infected, is one of the six beginning at the Aarhus university hospital who had been at a conference in Germany and had been in contact with an Italian colleague.
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