CBD, which is also more commonly referred to as cannabidiol, is going to be a certain type of cannabinoid, which you are going to naturally find within the cannabis plant.  This may sound familiar as CBD’s much more popular and mainstream cousin, marijuana, is actually derived from the very same plant.  But rest assured that you have nothing to worry about as CBD is not going to provide any of the psychoactive effects that marijuana and THC provide.  In fact, CBD is actually becoming increasingly known as one of the best all-natural ways to help relive multiple symptoms, one of which includes anxiety.

Here is exactly what you need to know about CBD if you are considering taking it to help relieve your anxiety.

CBD, How it Works

If you know anything about how your body works, then you already know that your body is packed full of tons of special receptors that do different things.  And in case you didn’t know exactly what a receptor was, it is going to be a protein-based chemical structure that is attached to all of your cells.  With that being said, these receptors are going to be told exactly what to do by different stimuli within your body. 

When it comes to CBD, it is going to interact with your CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are mainly responsible for controlling your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system.  While it is not exactly known how this interaction works, it is known that the interaction is a real thing and the benefits are simply undeniable. 

Essentially, while it is not necessarily known how it works, the fact of the matter is that CBD does in fact have a very positive effect when it comes to managing and overcoming any type of anxiety that you may be feeling.  However, you are always going to want to spend some time talking with your doctor before you start any type of new supplement regimen. 

How Much CBD is Enough for Anxiety?

If you have done some research and spoken with your doctor about starting a CBD routine to help combat your anxiety, you may be wondering how much CBD tincture is going to be enough to get you the results that you are expecting. With that being said, your doctor should be able to help you come up with a safe CBD dosage for anxiety to start with so that you can gauge what your reaction is going to be to this new supplement. 

On a side note, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, also referred to as NORML, advises that there are not going to be any commercial CBD products that will have nearly enough CBD in them to replicate the same anxiety relieving effects that were seen in the numerous clinical studies that have been done.

At the same time, another study done on real people found that taking 300 mb of CBD roughly 90 minutes prior to a test or event was more than enough to reduce whatever anxiety was being experienced.