salary tax increases in Finland relatively quickly, when the wage-earner’s income rose, manifested in the taxpayers association of central unions from making the comparison.

Comparison examine, inter alia, unrelated to wage earners the taxation of four different salary levels. In finland, wage and salary earners the tax rate is the clearing of the lower wage level, or 28 600 euros in salary still have european analogue of middle level.

the Finnish average wage to get by, i.e. 44 000 per year earned by the tax rate is 2.5 percentage points higher than the European in the analogue country, on average.

Finland and the analogue of the average value of the difference between the growth of wage increases. The wage tax is 67 eur 700 annual in the step four percentage points and 143 000 euro wage level in almost seven percentage points lower than the European in the analogue country, on average.

the Analogue country, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Denmark tax their small – and medium-wage earners without a family wage earners clearly more severe than the English. Only Belgium and Italy are the Finnish tougher tax collectors in all the comparison of income levels.

Taxpayers report Finland 14 european countries are Belgium, Britain, Spain, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Norway, France, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Estonia.

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