Prime minister Sanna Marin (sd.) say TV1 first in the morning on Saturday that he hopes the autumn turmoil after stability and calmness policy.

the news of the Finnish survey on the basis of half of finns believe prime minister Marin can do the job. Also ilta-sanomat poll (you move to another service)of respondents a slight majority believes that the Marin-led government sitting in the legislature the end.

Marin said, I couldn’t think about a month ago he was the prime minister.

When I gave notice of the government’s activities this Monday and I looked at the prime minister for the stand of the parliament hall, I can quite honestly say: it seems like that how was this happened.

Marin was asked how his way of leading is different from the predecessors, Antti Slope (sd.). Marin said she’d get some peace, cooperation and solutions, but highlighting after, you don’t want to evaluate the slope of the function.

Marin attention to the inspired words: Speech came from the heart

Mar constant one in the morning also opposition party coalition of the al-Hol-line reviews.

Marin asked the coalition side of the parliament Tuesday in the al-Hol-spacing issue in the debate ”aren’t you ashamed” of what the coalition has also criticised the style of an indefinite.

Marin played first in the morning, that coalition should be ashamed of two things. Marin conservative party line isn’t it, that the interests of children should be a priority, what he scolded wrong. Marin, it is also a division of powers-doctrine of respect.

the Government does not make decisions, individuals with spirit and life, it is the task of the authorities. I was amazed that this coalition of parties was questioned and it was said that the government is hiding the officials behind the back, Mari wondered.

– We do not make child protection decisions, it is the task of the authorities.

Marin insurance, not his notable shame-the word choices to be a rhetorical way.

– my Speech came from the heart, Marin said one in the morning.

children in al-Hol camp in close situations

Marin said he hoped to, that the al-Hol-issue would have been resolved already in the past, such as Juha Sipilä (kesk.) the government period, because the conditions in al-Hol camp are difficult.

– My information is that the Finnish children is not yet anything more serious happen, maybe close situations there is some been.

Marin did not respond directly to it, was foreign minister of Pekka Haavisto (gr.) al-Hol-operation improvement. Marin stressed that pekka Haavisto is the government’s confidence.

action line, which the government chose, is very similar to it, which Haavisto has been. No major line changes, he said.

Al-Hol-controversy in the media has gotten its hands on several leaked documents from the authorities.

– we Take sharply and condemns leaks. Can not be so, that the secret documents leak. It can endanger the individual’s rights protection, Marin said.

Marinilla understanding of the low-paid, but “the government does not get involved”

Marin I also hope that industry wages would be born agree. Industry labor dispute mediation failed on Friday, when the industry unions and the technology industry have rejected the kingdom of the mediator Anemone Piekkalan reconciliation of the presentation.

Marin stressed that organisations in the negotiations and did not want to take their exact positions.

in the care sector trade union tehy president of milla riikka Rytkönen relies on a Wednesday directly to Marin and said that Tehy women need state help. Tehy have to pick up to 1.8% higher increases than other sectors for ten years.

Marin said he understands Tehy and other organisations goals, but again stressed that “the government is doing independently their own decisions, and not take orders from a south beach or hakaniemi of”.

– I’ll find the understanding and the heart of the Finnish low-paid women who do the hard work time for a small compensation, but this is of course the social partners in the hands of the agreement. Not the government come to a situation to interfere or intervene, he assured.

Marin government programs more favourable to gender for the correction

Marin has strongly advocated for transgender law reform, but the human rights organisation Seta is a reproach (you move to another service), that the government denied the minors ‘ self-determination of gender for the repair.

the Seta has criticized that the 15-year-old can not change the sex entry any way they like in the same way as the name can. According to the government gender may, upon application, fix a full-aged finns.

Marin pondered first in the morning, that sex legal reinforcement could be possible to under 18-year-olds, but said the issue very difficult.

– my personal view is that this could be possible. It could help the growth of children, when you should acknowledge what you feel, Marin said.

Another question, are the physical measures. This I would consider important, that täysikäisyys limit was maintained.

Marin said, however, their attachment to government programs, where people self-determination of gender recognition, but with regard to minors, the matter does not change.

Repair 22.12. at 9.22: tehy president of the first name of the removed connector.

see also:

Analysis: Sanna Marin rapid ascent mix by the press of the world – Finland is a strange bird, which raises the Uk envy

Analysis: “Rising star” and “world of youth” – Sanna Marin is to return to the prime minister’s daily life on the international hype

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