– We are all grown up in a time where death is considered to be a natural part of life.

– But we are no pieces that will live forever.

this is the sound of the first lines in one of the more mysterious mails, the nation! has received in the recent time. The email will come from Yvonne N, which also has sent a name of a cryokonserverings company that offers the freezing of dead human bodies for $ 200,000.
It’s called Alcor, is located in Arizona in the UNITED states, and there are fine photos of the cabinets and klinikfaciliterer – and a description of how nedfrysningerne going on.

Yvonnes mail – which she hopes can be the one to break the silence about death – continues as follows:

– If you know someone who just died, or someone who is dying, so freeze them down.

– It is the only hope we have to see them again. Without hope, we live in constant pain.

– Death is a disease that must be treated, is there a place on the internet, and if you out there listening to this call, we will be able to make a revulosion mht. our actions and way of thinking.

– It will benefit all the dead and those who will live forever. not only in Denmark but throughout the world, writes Yvonne, waiting for her economy is getting better, before she enrolls.