Antonio de Miguel, councilor and spokesman for Vox in the Guadalajara City Council, announced this Tuesday that he is leaving the formation chaired by Santiago Abascal, whom he accuses of exercising “mafia practices”, at the same time that he announced his incorporation into the platform commanded by Macarena Olona.

De Miguel, who held the organic position of Head of Education in Vox’s internal organization chart from 2014 to 2018, devised the parental pin with which his party pressured the PP in 2020 and which was established in Murcia. Now, De Miguel makes his withdrawal from the formation official, although he processed it a month ago, and criticizes his drift: “The Vox model is one of authoritarian democracy,” he lamented through a press conference.

“The people we thought we could trust suddenly, for selfishly personal interests, disappoint us, betray us. That has happened to me with Vox and with Santiago Abascal,” said the until now leader of Vox in the City Council of Guadalajara, which made public its goodbye to the party in the final stretch of a crucial campaign for the formation, since it aspires to be the one that grows the most at the national level, to obtain representatives in all the regional chambers and to be decisive in those territories in which that the PP wants to govern.

But the dismissal of De Miguel, a strong man in the party cadres until the previous general elections, was loaded with important reproaches towards the leader of the formation, Santiago Abascal, whom he accused of “mafia practices”, in addition to not believing in the municipalism, and of having “authoritarian and dictatorial” attitudes.

From now on, his career will continue to be linked to Macarena Olona, ​​leader of the party and leader of Vox in Andalusia until last summer, when he staged his break with the leadership and created the Ibero-American Equality Foundation, aimed at fighting against “gender ideology”. and that in January he presented a popular legislative initiative in the Congress of Deputies.

“Thank you for your total dedication to Guadalajara,” Olona expressed through social networks to confirm the signing of De Miguel. “Thank you for staying true to your principles. Coming to politics to serve. Not to serve yourself. No change in service.”

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