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The Union of Family Associations (Unaf) has held the conference “the challenge of stewardship”, in which its president, Ascension Churches, has put the spotlight on the need to “broaden the perspective” that the policies of conciliation is to become a co-responsibility real – committed to institutions, companies, men, and society in its joint “overcoming of the view that the reconciliation is a matter of working women”.

In this line inaugurated the session Ana Isabel Lima , secretary of State for Social Services in the Ministry of Health, who noted that the settlement “we understand it as something more than a concern of gender”. He added that it is logical that if you put measures in place, “are going to benefit more to women, who are the most hours spend (4,5 per day) to the home and family, compared to the involvement of men (2 hours daily). Are the husbands or the partners, which hamper the careers of women. Therefore, there is lack of policies, but also cultural changes on the part of all , not only of the public authorities or social partners”.

he Pointed out that there are two main issues of the general population in regards to this issue: the flexibility of working and supporting situations of dependency. “Fortunately, the new generations show a greater balance in the use of the time “, he stressed. He also warned of the need “to put the world of care in the centre of the life because there are many women who spend a lot of time to take care of dependent family members”.

Image of the day held in The Casa Encendida of Madrid

he Ended his speech by enumerating the two negative effects for the society that is not matched: the low birth rate and the stress that it generates in so many couples, not receiving aid, their relationship becomes conflictual.

According to Inés Campillo , a researcher of the Report Unaf is prensentó in the day, Spain is one of the countries where almost half of the people, “most of the times you have difficulties to reconcile in comparison with other countries europeans.”

he Stressed that the report takes into account not just the care in the childhood, and also the long-term due to situations of dependency. As key findings, Campillo stressed that the diversity of public policies aiming to improve reconciliation “must be supported by the different ministries , because it reconcile correctly about the company, education, family, health… The policies must be cross-sectional. In addition, you must take into account the variety of social contexts and keep in mind that the same reconciliation measure can have very different effects depending on the country in which they apply”.

he Also defended the need to dedicate a larger budget , since “Spain receives a dependent child benefit minimum (341 euros per year) in comparison with Europe (Denmark receives 605 quarterly for children 0-2 years; Germany 194 monthly 0-25 years…) and it is a field to work, as with the provision of cash benefits for dependency, maternity and paternity benefits… There is a lot of room to advance in the child benefit charge”, he concluded.

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