Belén Esteban answers to the controversial interview of his exmaridoBelén Esteban erupts again against Jesulín de Ubrique

The conflict between Belen Esteban and who was his representative and trusted friend, Toño Sanchís , has crossed the screens, a court battle, finally, has had a clear winner: “the princess of the people”. The justice gave the reason and, since the month of July, the house of Sanchís is in your name. In addition, you still owe 200,000 euros more, which could add another great amount in compensation for the non-payment of your exmánager.

however, both Toño Sanchís as his wife, Lorena Romero , still have not abandoned the dwelling, and, in case outside little, they would have been doing a misuse of the same. This has been revealed in exclusive the journalist Leticia Requejo in the “Program of Ana Rosa”, which ensures that you would have used the apartment to shoot a commercial spot.

To be certain this information, explains the editor, “Bethlehem could take legal action and Tony would face a new offence that would have to pay new ticket “. A new disgust for the partner, which you still can’t enjoy his new property, but that could end up sending you benefits.

And is that, according to Requejo, Sanchís would have been bagging 15.000 euro for the recording of the announcement. A news that insurance will not like anything to Bethlehem Esteban, and that would stoke his conflict, as recently urged him to abandon that has been his family home to comply with the orders of the judge.