Dani Martin is sincere about his enfermedadDani Martin asked forgiveness for the most “humiliating” of his career

just a year Ago that Dani Martin to be pronounced, for the first time , on the skin disease that he suffers, a very common condition called rosacea that causes a redness of the skin on the face, in addition to the visibility of the blood vessels.

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This also I am sometimes, I have a thing on the skin called ROSACEA, I’ve found it hard to accept that once in a while my skin to remove these shoots, but this tb I am, if any of you have it has suffered which means that you look at the Rock, and I ask if you’re sick or you’re starting to drugging crack, here is my subject, nothing happens, lively rosacea, what is important is what’s inside(now would take video of dogs fucking) it helps me to put this picture, that’s what I do!! Imperfect and real!! Acne with 41, all goes well! ???? happy day rosacea

A publication shared Dani Martin (@_danimartin_) the

“I’ve found it hard to accept that once in a while my skin to remove these buds, but this also is I, if any of you have it has suffered which means that you look at the rock, and I ask if you’re sick or you’re starting to drugging crack, here is my subject, nothing happens, lively rosacea, what important is what’s inside “, wrote so next to a picture in which you could appreciate such an outbreak.

Now, also through his profile in Instagram, Martin has returned to address the issue with his characteristic sense of humor. “No, I’m not sick, of the head a little bit-starts kidding – my skin is as well. So is a knight! What does the liver do? It well very well! Do the kidneys? Great, lady.”

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Is called Rosacea that I have, if not, I’m not sick, his head a little, my skin is as well. So is a knight! The liver? Well very well! The kidneys? Great lady . And yours? We’re all good! Vengaaaaa happy day!!go ahead make me sweat to have it, and that is not important, only are grains and come and go! Tb, go ahead my irony with a sense of humor in the discourse, lively rosacea!!can call me Dani pig

A publication shared Dani Martin (@_danimartin_) the

The artist insists that it is a very common condition with which to live each day and that nothing affects you in your life: “Go ahead make me sweat to have it, and that is not important, it only are grains and come and go ! Also go ahead my irony with a sense of humor in the speech, ¡viva rosacea! can call me Dani pig”.

His followers have been quick to applaud her attitude and the naturalness which deals with the topic. In addition, many of them have been identified with their problems in the skin: “I have pustular psoriasis, I understand you perfectly”, said one of them.