The educational system in Spain is legislated by the LOMLOE, after replacing the LOMCE, in 2020. Within the protocols and training processes, the NIA document was created almost two decades ago to manage student education.

The Student Identification Number (NIA) has the purpose of a personal and non-transferable identification of each student in their school stage and to protect their anonymity in what refers to the relationship of their data with companies.

It is used both for the registration of students in public, concerted or private education centers. Popularly, the NIA is known as the student’s DNI.

Among the different NIA utilities, the student’s parents or guardians can access their administrative file to carry out the enrollment process or to request scholarships and study aid or transportation subsidies.

On the other hand, this document prevents the school from having to request the physical transfer of its students’ academic records to the centers where they had previously studied. A manual process carried out for years that often hindered the adaptation and curricular adaptation of the student.

It should also be remembered that NIA should not be confused with NIE (Foreigner Identity Number), for families that do not have a Spanish DNI.

The NIA is made up of an eight-digit sequential number. The NIA uniquely identifies the student based on the following data:

The assignment of the NIA is requested by the center in which the student enrolls for the first time, through the information systems implemented for the management of processes in educational centers, which are used by both public and private centers.

Before assigning the new NIA, the system performs checks to locate other students with a high degree of coincidence in the identification data. If there are other records that have a high match percentage, the cases are manually reviewed and it is determined whether it is an existing student or a new student.

In cases where there is no approximate match, the student is automatically assigned a new NIA.

If it is a public school or an IES, parents or guardians can consult the NIA in the student’s evaluation bulletin and in the center itself. If it is a private or subsidized school, you can check the data at the center itself.

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