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The regime of Nicolás Maduro has launched a new census that put at risk the home and the properties of the 4 million venezuelans who have emigrated and those who have remained, an additional 26 million, which has increased the tension and the anxiety that living in the dictatorship of chavez, that every time you want to look at the cuban model.

Both Mature as its vice president of Planning, Ricardo Menendez, announced the launch this Friday of the FIFTEENTH Census of the National System of Statistical and Geographical, which will have two phases: the lifting of real estate information and, subsequently, the census family. He explained that the first stage is to make a count of the existing buildings in the country, whether they are households, businesses, or local, to which were affixed a label with a QR code that will contain all of the information.”

The minister Ménendez adds that those who made that census will be “the Bolivarian Militia, the people’s Power (communal councils and brigades chavez UBCH of the PSUV and We are Venezuela, the party of Mature), that will be the great body of empadronadores that we’re going to have to be deployed in the national territory”.

The lawyer Luis Manuel Aguana reported in the portal Panam Post that this is a repetition of the infamous case of Luis Tascon , who got hold of the information from the census forms to stigmatize approximately 4 million venezuelans who signed in against Hugo Chavez and that were excluded .

officials chavistas have already started to conduct the census, but the lawyer Aguana is declared to be in rebellion and proposes “don’t open the door” . Denied that the regime has information on the personal data, of how many people live in the home, how many rooms it has, what type of housing you have. “This has been compounded because in this phase of the destruction of Venezuela, the chavistas are going to the homes of 4 million who have fled in the country for humanitarian reasons and those who have stayed”·

Expropriation multi-million dollar

Aguana points out that when she found she was condemned to defend himself without being able to leave Venezuela, the regime impound the property of those who have gone to compensate to those still in need in the country for his protection (not counting those who will personally who will manage the spoil) in an expropriation multi-million dollar, whose dollar figure will leave what happened in Cuba as a little game of Monopoly.

Elias Santana , director of, said to ABC that they have written the minister a letter in which she requested an explanation over the controversial census. “We want you to explain to us why they have gone ahead to 2021 when is the next census, and why not participating legal officials of the National Institute of Statistics, but the political officials of a ruling party like the PSUV, which is illegal from all point of view for taking a census”.

Santana stresses to ABC that the census officials should be the Institute of Statistics and not a ruling party . “The census should be carried out in 2021 with officials of the INE. And not with the activists of the popular power of the “chavismo” as the units UBCh of the PSUV (Units Bolivarian Chavistas), and of the party We are Venezuela who founded Mature.”

In the event that the minister Menendez did not respond to the letter, which proposes to Santana is that the venezuelan citizenship to appeal to the “objection of conscience”, a mechanism contemplated in the venezuelan constitution, in order to evade the census, and that the chavistas to come to your home to prevent the confiscation of the property.

This is a cuban model of social control that is imposed upon venezuelans. Citizenship and the Broad Front Venezuela Free they are going to face the onslaught of Mature with the census chavez.

Santana is preparing to steer the venezuelans to reject the census with a campaign inspired by Spain which put in the foreground the line of the “conscientious objector” to evade military service in the case of the venezuelans, it is to reject the chavistas on the census who are not entitled to take away their housing.