Ana Julia struck with violence to Gabriel before you suffocate, according to the médicosLos experts declare that they found the blood of Gabriel in the underwear of the child, the car of Ana Julia and in the home

A phone call to the barracks of the Civil Guard of Milladoiro warned the agents at around 9 in the morning that the author of the triple crime of Worth had escaped to the house where, in recent times, he lived with his mother . He was the same, when the officers came to the home of Bertamiráns (La Coruña), which explained that what had just happened and confirmed that he shot his wife because she was inside the car. Before, José Luis Abet Lafuente had deviated from the way to get rid of the revolver with the tiroteó a part of its family policy, in a nearby river. Without losing the calm and without resistance, the arrested was mounted in the car of the Civil Guard and was transferred to the barracks nearest, just ten minutes.

In that moment, I was not clear about the consequences of their acts, and only had one death, that of the mother of his children. is Not asked by the state of the other victims of his killing. Nor by any who were in the care of their children.

Profile: a man in conflict, with misdemeanors

José Luis Abet Lafuente is well-known in their environment as “The Moor”. Since their second separation —the first one has an oldest son— he lived with his mother at the family home in Ames, where the author of the triple crime of Worth came to running a business of frozen . The thing was not well and soon closed. Repeated experience in Caldas de Reis with the same luck lately and was dedicated to exterior siding and interiors of all kinds, and in all kinds of works, so that his name was well known in the warehouses of the area, where it is nourished of material.

slight Of stature and a character of complicated, those who know him explain that it was adversarial and authoritarian . In addition, and as he was able to know ABC, in his history listed a number of precedents for misdemeanors. Some thefts of fuel, scrap metal, and also a burglary in the home. His fame, recognizes the environment consulted, was not good, nor by his acts, nor for their reactions .