The last talk of Scariolo: “This game is generous with those who respect him”What player of the Spanish basketball has more medals?”Because we have not done so badly, do you not?”

somewhere In the european airspace, in the guts of the plane taking you back to the world champions, Jorge Garbajosa attends to ABC after a tournament full of emotions. The president of the Spanish Federation of Basketball (FEB) makes balance with the tired face, but full of happiness. “It is a job wonderfully exhausting,” says before we get in, overwhelmed still by everything that has happened in the last few hours.

How would you describe your mood?

it Is a strange feeling. You’re tired, obviously, because you have many days without sleep, but you have a feeling of satisfaction and joy. Take advantage of it to make memory of what has happened these days, and at the same time you start to think about the future. Because after the celebrations, and no time for anything else, you have to look forward to. How to build the future, but yeah, doing it now from the base of the illusion of what has gotten this team.

do You believe it already?

I think so, of course. I started to believe it when it was a minute and a half to finish the final against Argentina. There was as drop all of a sudden and realizing that it was true.

When I began to think that it was possible to win the gold?

Confidence in these players I had from the first day. That illusion existed and was there, but it was actually after a win to Italy when I realized that the computer had broken to play. Win with that sense of superiority to a great team as they gave me wings to think that we could do something big.

how can You compare the gold with the 2006?

Look, I appreciate more the World’s gold in 2006 now that ten years ago, and I am convinced that this will happen the same. That should pass a little the time for it to value in their fair measure so that would have gotten players in China. I don’t want to remove even an iota of value to the legacy left by the champions of Japan, but now is the time for these players. It is clear that 2006 left a legacy of work, ambition and courage, but not what invented them. That came from before. It was invented a Alberto Herreros, Alfonso Reyes, Nacho RodrĂ­guez, Orenga… only that they did not win and, in 2006, yes they won. What is good to remember the past, and it is good to know what things were done well and what has benefited this generation in the past? Yes, but we should talk more about Quino Colom, Marc, Ricky and less of me, of Pau or Navarro.

Was champion as a player in 2006 and has been as a president in 2019…

(Interrupts) no, Not at all. The champions of truth are the ones who train every day, that come to the court, the deal with them each night to be well the next day, the coaches that you see in the morning with eyes as red as if they had gone for drinks and in reality it is because they have not slept hardly anything preparing for the match the next day. Those are the champions. Heroes. We in the Federation we try to have the best conditions to do the best job possible.

what And where it suffers the most, on the stage or on the pitch?

I answered with an example. The final day of Saitama I slept a siesta of two hours and a half. In China, I didn’t sleep anything the night before, I could not eat and, in addition, I had a lot more work around. The player only has a job, that is the most important, but it is only one, and a president has to attend to many things. Interviews, efforts, unexpected…

does it fill?

Clear. It is a stage enthralling not compare with the previous one. I started this project three years ago and by now I’m very happy with how things are going.

what Was this what you imagined when submitted to the elections?

it is Not what you imagine. It is what you dream about. You, the day to day work you do to provide this. For things to happen as nice as this gold. Making decisions is sometimes complicated and when you take a and look you with the face rarely on your computer, it will shakes the ground. In addition, you can not see what is going to happen with this decision immediately and have to wait two years, as in this case, to see if it was good or not. If it goes well, you raise a little smile, breathe and flames to yours. I, in my case, my wife, my mother, and two or three friends. And follow the path.

what refers to the decision of that Scariolo will stay on when you decided to go to the NBA?

there Are many and that was one of them. I have a great team around, but in the end that decides between white and black I am. What I found most difficult at first was this. Because when you’re player you have the responsibility of throw away, hit with a shot or go for a rebound, but you mark everything so they get it. The food, the time of the training, the form, the system to use… Here is different. Now the way it marks you and those decisions are almost all blind. Without knowing what’s going to happen two years after the taking. And two years is very long with a knot in the stomach.

Is this a boost for the basketball?

I hope So. Look, I have started to reply to messages now that I had more time and what I tried to convey to the people that had written to me is that the Spanish basketball, with drive, you can get very far. You are not going to win always, but with the referees, the coaches and the players that there are in Spain, we don’t have limits. The Spanish basketball, united, will always be among the candidates to win. But we need that drive.

it Seems that people are re-engaged to the basketball…

I hope So. They tell Me that the Sunday there was in front of the tv many people as thirteen years ago with the end of Saitama. With peaks of 6 million people, that is an outrage for these times. The important thing now is that people also see the matches of ACB, the competitions of the Federation, of the women’s league. Sunday, eight players from the Spanish league were on the end of the World. Many others had passed through there at some point in their careers. You have to get the fan does not disconnect now, because within a week these same players that you love when they play in the selection contest the Supercopa ACB with their teams.

have You felt a little abandoned by politics and the sponsors in these last times?

No, not really. If told, would be unjust. No I have not a bad word by the support of the institutions, despite the change of Government. I’ve made an effort very important for having smooth relationship with what I consider to be the important part. The sponsors, which allow us to make our dreams come true, the current Government and the previous one, with the CBA, with the Olympic Committee, with the FIBA, with the unions… we will Not be in agreement always, but yes I like that we have a common project. Adapt when we are not in agreement. Because sometimes it is better to bend than to impose your ideas and that people do not believe in it.

Champions of Europe and champions of the world, are the envy of the basketball world?

it Is a pride total. We are the only country in this world cycle has finished on the podium in both boys and girls. But the success is not only in the absolute, because the medals this summer in the rest of categories have been many. 7 in 9 championships. Even in the 3×3 we are making an effort that already has its reward. Best of all is to see that the work that you do gives results.