The PP claims to be a State party and that Sanchez would not acuerdosAsí come the parties to the likely repeat voter”it is logical that Sanchez offered to Married or coalition or pact of legislature”

The war remains open between Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo and the PP vasco. The spokesman of the Popular Group in the Congress has criticized the accusations of “ad hominem” that we have dedicated this weekend from Vitoria and has replicated to Alonso: “I am surprised that a antinacionalista bitter with Alonso I call foreign”. Álvarez de Toledo has been disregarded, and the attempt he had just done Married to settle the controversy.

Alvarez de Toledo could be alluded to in the closing of the political Convention of the PP basque, when Alfonso Alonso, in the midst of controversy with her, is referred to the world of basketball and commented that he would prefer to win Spain, but ” you do not have anything against Argentina “. The spokesman, who was born in Madrid but also have argentine nationality, was able to take good note there.

Today, after the informative breakfast of the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco , has replied emphatically. “I will not estusiasméis. I’m not going to answer a million questions that I already know where to go all,” he warned first of all to the journalists.

After some fellow party members in the Basque Country to compare with Saenz de Santamaria , has responded so: “I Never had happened that I had compared with Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, the truth. It is a novelty within the powers that I have been assigned in recent years.

in view of the criticism it has received over the last weekend of part of the PP basque, has pointed out: “I have no comments to make on disqualifications “ad hominem” , I’ve never played the disqualifications and “ad hominem” attacks. I think that there is that debate on policies, strategies , ideologies but never about personal issues”.

From the PP basque had been required a correction, after he accused the popular of the Basque Country, a certain warmth to make seguidismo of the PNV. Álvarez de Toledo has refused to comment on that request, but it has been so powerful against Alonso: “To me the thing that has surprised me a lot is that a antinacionalista staunch as the lord Alonso I would qualify to me of foreign”.

“from that point on I am only going to say one more thing, I will continue to work as I come from working from a long time ago, within the party, and before out of the party, for what has been called the Spain sum , for the reunification and the sum of people that think differently but we believe in a common project in defense of democracy and freedom in Spain,” he explained. “The only thing is that it has surprised me that I qualify for foreign by people of my own party”.