The long-term health of the Great Barrier Reef is “very poor”, alert a informeEl economic value of the Great Barrier Reef exceeds 37,000 million of eurosAcĂ©rcate the reefs of the Great Barrier Reef with unprecedented detail

The Great Barrier Reef (Australia) is facing 45 risks. Threats more publicized in the media are related to the climate change and poor water quality . However, many of them are not well known by citizens or understood, even by experts who analyze this valuable ecosystem, a world heritage site, highlights

“All but two of the 45 risks are happening now, and most get worse steadily, as the outbreaks of diseases among corals and turtles , the probability of that is alter ocean currents , or the increase of the light pollution as a result of coastal development and maritime traffic. Collectively, it means that the Great Barrier Reef is heading towards a death by a thousand cuts,” warns the Marine Park Authority the Great Barrier Reef in its “Report of Perspective 2019”. The document, which is updated, as set out in the australian law, every five years, evidence that the total number of threats increased from 41 in 2014, to 45 today.

Within the new threats, the researchers include, for example, the loss of cultural knowledge , especially on the part of the owners traditional indigenous, and the possible negative impacts of the genetic modification (and its subsequent release to the natural environment) of organisms.