“We are not colleagues of our children. We are their parents and point,”The 21 tips that parents should keep in mind for raising children segurosEsto is what happens if you aspire to be a parent-colleague of your kids

it Is likely that once you’ve raised-which is the way in which you relate to your child. Sure, on numerous occasions, you have hesitated and do not know if you are being too permissive with him, or, however, beams of the authority your maximum and you are afraid that the fear check on the relationship you have with your little one.

With this test you will know how permissive or authoritarian you are . So, you’ll get some clue that help you to focus better or not the hard task of educating the children.

The experts remind us that there are occasions in which the parents repeated the same pattern of education of their parents, changing what they believe they did wrong. But it can also be the opposite situation and you’re making an effort to educate your little one in totally different way.

For all this, it is fundamental that, for a moment, you stop to think about how you educate your children . The reflection is fundamental to act with consistency.

Source: ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana.

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